My personal site

Uses Jekyl with the following features:

On-web dev tools


  • modernise
  • index for search engines (SEO)
    • don't index contact page and any other unwanted pages
  • consider or equivalent to make static pages from JS generated for more SEO friendly website
  • more elegant delay load by className
    • sequence loading of social tags in header
  • wiggle contact envelope (
    • on hover and on load (force action hover with js?)
    • perhaps put all animate on load into single js
  • ?animate meteor flying in with css animation?
  • animate hourglass in contact success

Todo content

  • toggle small text box blurb that appears when hover / click on Investor | Advisor | Developer
    • mobile second press will make disappear or pressing another will replace blurb
    • more... link option to take to full page