
This library can receive TCPSyphon or TCPSpout protocol.

Primary LanguageC++


Just Sample for RaspberryPi3 Jessie and Stretch

Running the code

From a fresh sd card with raspbian lite installed, you will need to add the following :

sudo apt-get install git
sudo apt-get install libavahi-compat-libdnssd-dev

then clone this repo and build :

git clone https://github.com/z37soft/INetSyphon_RaspberryPi_SDK.git
cd INetSyphon_RaspberryPi_SDK/RaspberryPi3_Stretch

at the end, you will need to change the permissions and run it :

chmod +x TCPSClient.bin
cp TCPSClient.bin ~


  • Current version supports to receive JPEG encode only. I recommend “TurboJPEG”.
  • When you use -c option, then you can choose a server. usage; ./TCPSClient.bin -c -p 7778, the software will try connecting to that addredd when it is disconnected.
  • You can choose a network port, "-p port-number"
  • Trim source area. default is whole area ( the same as "-s 0,0,1,1" )

-s left(0),top(0),right(1),bottom(1)

  • Change show position. default is fit screen ( the same as "-d 0,0,1920,1080" )

-d x(0),y(0),width(1920),height(1080)

  • When server closes session, then this software will quit.
  • When image resolution is changed, then this software will refuse it.
  • If you want to quit, then shoot CTRL+C