Discord.JS Quick Start

How to use:

  • Clone this repo
  • Run npm install
  • All done! You can add commands in the commands folder.

Example command:

const Command = require('../command');
module.exports = class extends Command {
    constructor() {
            name: 'example',
            description: 'Example command.',
            aliases: [],
            usage: 'example',
            adminOnly: false,
            devOnly: false,
            nsfwOnly: false,
            cooldown: 5000
    run(ctx, args) {

You can also get command info:

const commands = require('../utils').getCommands();

Or read and write user/guild data:

const { readGuildConfig, writeGuildConfig, readUserData, writeUserData } = require('../utils');

// Read the config for guild with ID 12345678901234567

// Write the config for guild with ID 12345678901234567
writeGuildConfig('12345678901234567', { prefix: '$' });

// Read data of user with ID 12345678901234567.

// Write data of user with ID 12345678901234567.
writeUserData('12345678901234567', { linkedAccounts: {} });

Note: Store token in TOKEN environment variable or .env file. (Syntax: TOKEN=YOUR_TOKEN)