
Configurable d3 v4 charts with interpolation and missing data range

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Interpolated Charts

Configurable d3 v4 charts with interpolation and missing data range. Inspired by Britecharts

Angular component here

npm version

Live demo



  • Configurable line chart with tooltip and markers
  • Gasps between data points (missing data range)
  • Compute and display interpolated values between data points

Iterpolation values are calculated on svg path element using the binary search method. It means that after changing chart curve type (d3.curveBasis, d3.curveCatmullRom, ...) computed values can change. Do not rely on this data if you need high accuracy.


  1. Install with npm
npm install interpolated-charts --save
  1. Import JS dependencies
import * as d3 from 'd3';
import { line, stackBar, chartEvents, verticalDivider, markers, tooltip } from 'interpolated-charts';
  1. Import CSS
@import 'interpolated-charts/src/index.css'


Package include line chart and three plugins: vertical divider, markers highlight, tooltip information. Line chart dispatch mouse events (chartMouseEnter, chartMouseLeave, chartMouseMove, chartMouseClick), defined in chartEvents. Default configuration for chart with plugins:

const verticalDividerPlugin = verticalDivider();
const markersPlugin = markers();
const tooltipPlugin = tooltip();

const lineChart = line()
  // subscribe plugins to chart events
  .on(chartEvents.chartMouseEnter, () => {
  .on(chartEvents.chartMouseLeave, () => {
  .on(chartEvents.chartMouseMove, (options) => {

// create chart with data
const chartContainer = d3.select('.default-chart');

// bind plugins to chart
const metadataContainer = d3.select('.default-chart .metadata-container');

Chart data example:

const lineChartData = [
  // each object represent chart line dataset
    'name': 'Minsk',
    // optional color
    'color': 'darkblue',
    'data': [
      { 'date': new Date('2015-01-01T00:00:00'), 'value': 20 },
      { 'date': new Date('2015-01-02T00:00:00'), 'value': 16 }

Default chart is first example on demo page.

Source code for examples - /demo.

Package include internal @types for Typescript.


Line Chart


// create chart with custom config
const lineChart = line({ width: 900 });
// set property on existing chart
// get d3 selection for chart container
const chartContainer = d3.select('.default-chart');
const lineChartData = [/* PathDataSet[] */];
// bind selection with data and call chart creation

Chart data format

interface PathDataSet {
  name: string;
  color?: string;
  data: { date: Date, value: number }[];


chartEvents.chartMouseEnter - mouse entered chart boundary. Arguments - mouse coordinates x, y relative to chart;

chartEvents.chartMouseLeave - mouse leaved chart boundary. Arguments - mouse coordinates x, y relative to chart;

chartEvents.chartMouseMove - mouse moved inside chart boundary. Event treshhold (mouseMoveTimeTreshold, ms) - min time between events. Arguments - { x: number, y: number, selectedDate: Date, data: PointData[] }. data - array of closest chart points data based on mouse current position:

interface PointData {
  // concrete values from PathDataSet and their coordinates on graph
  date: Date;
  value: number;
  x: number;
  y: number;
  // interpolated values, closest to mouse position
  interpolatedX: number;
  interpolatedY: number;
  interpolatedDate: Date;
  interpolatedValue: number;

  name: string;
  color: string;

chartEvents.chartMouseClick - mouse click inside chart boundary. Arguments - { x: number, y: number, selectedDate: Date, data: PointData[] }.


Chart grid lines css classes:

.line-chart .horizontal-grid-line, .line-chart .vertical-grid-line


Name Description Type Default
width Chart total width Number 700
height Chart total height Number 500
margin Chart graph margin to outer bounds { top: number, right: number, bottom: number, left: number } { top: 20, right: 30, bottom: 40, left: 40 }
maxTimeRangeDifferenceToDraw Max time in milliseconds to treat dataset points without breaking Number 1000 * 60 * 60 * 24 * 1.5 (1.5 days)
xAxisTimeFormat Date tick format for chart X Axis d3.tickFormat undefined
yAxisValueFormat Value tick format for chart Y Axis d3.tickFormat undefined
curve Curve type for line interpolation. Important: value interpolation compute on chart resulted line and depend on this config value d3.curve d3.curveBasis
chartHeight Chart graph actual heigth getter. Total height - (margin.top + margin.bottom) Number
chartWidth Chart graph actual width getter. Total width - (margin.left + margin.right Number
interpolationMaxIterationCount Interpolation cycle count. Computing will stop after N cycle or when Δx < accuracy Important: high value can slow preformance Number 50
interpolationAccuracy Interpolation Δx accuracy for searching y value on svg path. Computing will stop after N cycle or when Δx < accuracy Number 0.005
mouseMoveTimeTreshold Minimum time in milliseconds between chartMouseMove events Number 20
xAxisDateFrom Chart X Axis start date Date undefined
xAxisDateTo Chart X Axis end date Date undefined

Bar chart


// create bar chart
const barChart = bar();

const barChartContainer = d3.select('.bar-bar');
const barChartData = [/* PathDataSet[] */];
// bind selection with data and call chart creation

Chart data format

Array of

interface StackBarData {
  name: string;
  backgroundColor?: string;
  data: {
    date: Date,
    color?: string,
    value: any


chartEvents.chartMouseEnter - mouse entered chart boundary. Arguments - mouse coordinates x, y relative to chart;

chartEvents.chartMouseLeave - mouse leaved chart boundary. Arguments - mouse coordinates x, y relative to chart;

chartEvents.chartMouseMove - mouse moved inside chart boundary. Event treshhold (mouseMoveTimeTreshold, ms) - min time between events. Arguments - { x: number, y: number, selectedDate: Date, data: MouseEventBarChartData[] }. data - array of closest chart points data based on mouse current position:

chartEvents.chartMouseClick - mouse click inside chart boundary. Arguments - { x: number, y: number, selectedDate: Date, data: MouseEventBarChartData[] }.


Name Description Type Default
width Chart total width Number 700
height Chart total height Number 120
margin Chart graph margin to outer bounds { top: number, right: number,
setStackWidth Function to compute stack width Function (chartWidth, numberOfBars) => chartWidth / numberOfBars - 20
maxTimeRangeDifferenceToDraw Max time in milliseconds to treat dataset points without breaking Number 1000 * 60 * 60 * 24 * 1.5 (1.5 days)
stackTimeDiapason Time diapason for one stack Number 1000 * 60 * 60 * 24
xAxisTimeFormat Date tick format for chart X Axis d3.tickFormat undefined
yAxisValueFormat Value tick format for chart Y Axis d3.tickFormat undefined
xAxisDateFrom Chart X Axis start date Date undefined
xAxisDateTo Chart X Axis end date Date undefined
yAxisValueFrom Chart Y Axis start value Number undefined
yAxisValueTo Chart Y Axis end value Number undefined

Stack bar


// create stack bar
const stackBarChart = stackBar();

const stackBarContainer = d3.select('.stack-bar');
const stackBarData = [/* StackBarData[] */];
// bind selection with data and call chart creation

Chart data format

Array of

interface PathDataSet {
  name: string;
  color?: string;
  data: { date: Date, value: number }[];


chartEvents.chartMouseEnter - mouse entered chart boundary. Arguments - mouse coordinates x, y relative to chart;

chartEvents.chartMouseLeave - mouse leaved chart boundary. Arguments - mouse coordinates x, y relative to chart;

chartEvents.chartMouseMove - mouse moved inside chart boundary. Event treshhold (mouseMoveTimeTreshold, ms) - min time between events. Arguments - { x: number, y: number, selectedDate: Date, diapasonStart: Date, diapasonEnd: Date, data: MouseEventBarChartData[] }. data - array of closest chart points data based on mouse current position:

chartEvents.chartMouseClick - mouse click inside chart boundary. Arguments - { x: number, y: number, selectedDate: Date, data: StackBarEventData[] }.


Name Description Type Default
width Chart total width Number 700
height Chart total height Number 120
margin Chart graph margin to outer bounds { top: number, right: number,
marginBetweenStacks Vertical margin between multiple stack bars Number 0
backgroundColor Chart background color String '#CCCCCC'
maxTimeRangeDifferenceToDraw Max time in milliseconds to treat dataset points without breaking Number 1000 * 60 * 60 * 24 * 1.5 (1.5 days)
mouseMoveTimeTreshold Minimum time in milliseconds between chartMouseMove events Number 20
xAxisTimeFormat Date tick format for chart X Axis d3.tickFormat undefined
xAxisDateFrom Chart X Axis start date Date undefined
xAxisDateTo Chart X Axis end date Date undefined


Vertical divider

Display vertical line on chart.

const lineChart = line({ height: 1000 });
// create plugin
const verticalDividerPlugin = verticalDivider();
// set divider height if chart height not default
// subscribe plugin to chart events
  .on(chartEvents.chartMouseEnter, (x, y) => verticalDividerPlugin.show())
  .on(chartEvents.chartMouseLeave, (x, y) => verticalDividerPlugin.remove())
  .on(chartEvents.chartMouseMove, (options) => verticalDividerPlugin.update(options));
// create line chart
d3.select('.interpolated-chart').datum([/* chart data */]).call(lineChart);
// select metadata container inside chart
const metadataContainer = d3.select('.interpolated-chart .metadata-container');
// call plugin creation

Divider line css class:

.line-chart .divider

Name Description Type Default
height Divider line height Number 440
Name Description Arguments
remove Hide divider None
show Show divider None
update Set divider position { x: number }


const lineChart = line({ height: 1000 });
// create plugin with options
const markersPlugin = markers()
  .fill(data => {
    return data.interpolatedValue > 10 ? data.color : 'white'
// set options
  .radius(data => {
    return data.interpolatedValue > 10 ? 10 : 5
// subscribe plugin to chart events
  .on(chartEvents.chartMouseEnter, (x, y) => markersPlugin.show())
  .on(chartEvents.chartMouseLeave, (x, y) => markersPlugin.remove())
  .on(chartEvents.chartMouseMove, (options) => markersPlugin.update(options));
// create line chart
d3.select('.interpolated-chart').datum([/* chart data */]).call(lineChart);
// select metadata container inside chart
const metadataContainer = d3.select('.interpolated-chart .metadata-container');
// call plugin creation
Name Description Type Default
cx Marker X position calculator Function data => data.interpolatedX
cy Marker Y position calculator Function data => data.interpolatedY
radius Marker radius calculator Function data => 5
fill Marker fill color calculator Function data => 'white'
stroke Marker stroke color calculator Function data => data.color
strokeWidth Marker stroke width calculator Function data => 2
sort Marker sorting function. First value will be displayed on top of others Function (a, b) => 0
Name Description Arguments
remove Hide markers None
show Show markers { data: ChartLinePointData[] }


Tooltip - html foreignObject in svg chart.

const lineChart = line({ height: 1000 });
// create plugin with options
const verticalDividerPlugin = verticalDivider({ chartHeight: lineChart.chartheight() });
// set options
  .valueFormatter(({ interpolatedValue }) => `${interpolatedValue.toFixed(1)}°C`);
// subscribe plugin to chart events
  .on(chartEvents.chartMouseEnter, (x, y) => tooltipPlugin.show())
  .on(chartEvents.chartMouseLeave, (x, y) => tooltipPlugin.remove())
  .on(chartEvents.chartMouseMove, (options) => tooltipPlugin.update(options));
// create line chart
d3.select('.interpolated-chart').datum([/* chart data */]).call(lineChart);
// select metadata container inside chart
const metadataContainer = d3.select('.interpolated-chart .metadata-container');
// call plugin creation

.line-chart .tooltip

.line-chart .tooltip rect

.line-chart .tooltip .tooltip-container

.line-chart .tooltip .tooltip-header

.line-chart .tooltip .tooltip-header p

.line-chart .tooltip .circle

.line-chart .tooltip .topic

.line-chart .tooltip .topic-name

.line-chart .tooltip .topic-value

Name Description Type Default
chartHeight Chart height (used to compute tooltip boundaries) Number 440
chartWidth Chart width (used to compute tooltip boundaries) Numner 700
tooltipWidth Tooltip fixed width Number 220
horizontalMouseMargin Tooltip horizontal distance from mouse pointer Number 40
verticalBorderMargin Tooltip min distance from chart top and bottom borders Number 10
headerFormatter Tooltip header formatter function. Arguments - selected interpolated date and chart dataset values Function (selectedDate, data) => d3.timeFormat('%Y-%d-%m %H:%M:%S')(selectedDate)
topicFormatter Tooltip path data description formatter Function (data) => data.name
valueFormatter Tooltip path data value formatter Function (data) => d3.format('.1f')(data.interpolatedValue)
sort Tooltip path data sorting function. First value will be displayed on top of tooltip Function (a, b) => 0
Name Description Arguments
remove Hide tooltip None
show Show tooltip { x: number, y: number, selectedDate: Date, data: ChartLinePointData[] }


  • Tests
  • JSDoc
  • Documentation
  • Display curve single points in missing data range and add them to tooltip