
Error: Patch Already Applied

Closed this issue · 3 comments

Patch Already Applied
UnityEngine.Debug:LogError (object)
z3y.XatlasPackerBakeryPatch:PatchBakery () (at Assets/ArtEditor/Script/XatlasLightmap-main/Scripts/Editor/XatlasPackerBakeryPatch.cs:41)

z3y commented

This hasnt been tested on latest bakery versions so there is always a chance that it will break. I will look into it if thats the case

I think your script is way cooler than the 2UV bakery thing. I'm really excited to see it get even better. If you put this script up for sale in the AssetStore, I'll totally buy it for sure.

z3y commented

There is nothing broken with the latest Bakery version, it still works just fine. Make sure you are on the latest version Bakery > Utilities > Check for patches