
Cypress plugin for interacting with ag grid

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Cypress plugin for interacting with and validating against ag grid.

Table of Contents


npm install cypress-ag-grid --save-dev

Then include the following in your support/index.js file:

import "cypress-ag-grid";


Consider the ag grid example below: alt text

With the following DOM structure: alt text

Getting Data From the Grid:

To get the Ag Grid data, you must chain .getAgGridData() after the cy.get() command for the topmost level of the grid, including controls and headers (see selected DOM element in above image).

Correct Usage:


Incorrect Usage:


The correct command will return the following:

    { "Year": "2020", "Make": "Toyota", "Model": "Celica" },
    { "Year": "2020", "Make": "Ford", "Model": "Mondeo" },
    { "Year": "2020", "Make": "Porsche", "Model": "Boxter" },
    { "Year": "2020", "Make": "BMW", "Model": "3-series" },
    { "Year": "2020", "Make": "Mercedes", "Model": "GLC300" },

Getting Select Row Data

To only get certain rows of data, pass the header values into the getAgGridData() command, like so:

cy.get("#myGrid).getAgGridData({ onlyColumns: ["Year", "Make"] })

The above command will return the follwoing:

    { "Year": "2020", "Make": "Toyota"},
    { "Year": "2020", "Make": "Ford"},
    { "Year": "2020", "Make": "Porsche"},
    { "Year": "2020", "Make": "BMW"},
    { "Year": "2020", "Make": "Mercedes"},

Sorting Columns

This command will sort the specified column by the sort direction specified.

Defintion: .agGridSortColumn(columnName:String, sortDirection:String)


cy.get("#myGrid").agGridSortColumn("Model", "descending");

Filter by Text - Column Menu

This command will filter a column by a text value from its menu. In the options, you must specify a searchCriteria objects containing one or more objects with columnName, filterValue, and optionally operator (i.e. Contains, Not contains, Equals, etc.).

alt text

Definition: .agGridColumnFilterTextMenu(options: {})


            columnName: "Model",
            filterValue: "GLC300",
            columnName: "Make",
            filterValue: "Mercedes",
    hasApplyButton: false

The above command will filter the Model column for the value 'GLC300' and set the filter operator to 'Equals'. It will then apply a secondary filter on the Make column for 'Mercedes'.

Filterby Text - Floating Filter

This command will filter a column by a text value from its floating filter (if applicable).

alt text

Definition: .agGridColumnFilterTextMenu(options: {})

See Filter by Text - Column Menu for example and usage.

Filter by Checkbox - Column Menu

This command will filter a column by a checkbox text value from its menu. alt text




      searchCriteria: {
        columnName: "Model",
        filterValue: "2002",
      hasApplyButton: true,

Add or Remove Columns

This command will toggle the specified column from the grid's sidebar.

Definition:.agGridToggleColumnsSideBar(columnName:String, doRemove:boolean)


// This will remove the column "Year" from the grid
cy.get("#myGrid").agGridToggleColumnsSideBar("Year", true);

Validate Paginated Table

This command will validate the paginated grid's data. The supplied expectedPaginatedTableData must be paginated as it's shown in the grid.

Definition: agGridValidatePaginatedTable(expectedPaginatedTableData, onlyColumns = {})


    const expectedPaginatedTableData = [
        { "Year": "2020", "Make": "Toyota", "Model": "Celica" },
        { "Year": "2020", "Make": "Ford", "Model": "Mondeo" },
        { "Year": "2020", "Make": "Porsche", "Model": "Boxter" },
        { "Year": "2020", "Make": "BMW", "Model": "3-series" },
        { "Year": "2020", "Make": "Mercedes", "Model": "GLC300" },
        { "Year": "2020", "Make": "Honda", "Model": "Civic" },
        { "Year": "2020", "Make": "Honda", "Model": "Accord" },
        { "Year": "2020", "Make": "Ford", "Model": "Taurus" },
        { "Year": "2020", "Make": "Hyundai", "Model": "Elantra" },
        { "Year": "2020", "Make": "Toyota", "Model": "Celica" },
      ...other table data
      expectedPaginatedTableData, onlyColumns ={"Year", "Make", "Model"}

Validate Table in the Exact Order

This command will verify the table data is displayed exactly in the same order as the supplied expected table data. This will ONLY validate the first page of a paginated table.

Definition: .agGridValidateRowsExactOrder(actualTableData, expectedTableData)


.then((actualTableData) => {
    cy.get(agGridSelector).agGridValidateRowsExactOrder(actualTableData, expectedTableData);

Validate Subset of Table Data

This command will validate a subset of the table data. Ideal for verifying one or more records, or verify records without specified columns.

Definition:: agGridValidateRowsSubset(actualTableData, expectedTableData)


    const expectedTableData = [
      { "Year": "2020", "Make": "Toyota", "Model": "Celica" },
      { "Year": "2020", "Make": "Ford", "Model": "Mondeo" },
      { "Year": "2020", "Make": "Porsche", "Model": "Boxter" },
      { "Year": "2020", "Make": "BMW", "Model": "3-series" },
      { "Year": "2020", "Make": "Mercedes", "Model": "GLC300" },
      .getAgGridData({ onlyColumns: ["Year", "Make", "Model"] })
      .then((actualTableData) => {
        cy.get(agGridSelector).agGridValidateRowsSubset(actualTableData, expectedTableData);

Validate Empty Grid

This will verify the table data is empty.

Definition:agGridValidateEmptyTable(actualTableData, expectedTableData)


      .then((actualTableData) => {


  • Unable to validate deeply nested row groups
  • Unable to validate deeply nested column groups
  • Unable to validate the entirety of an unlimited scrolling grid.
  • Unable to validate data that is out of view. The DOM will register the ag grid data as it's scrolled into view.
    • To combat this, in your code where the ag grid is called, check if the Cypress window is controlling the app and set the ag grid object to .sizeColumnsToFit(). You can see an example of this in the app/grid.js file of this repository. Read more here
    • Example:


A portion of the logic to retrieve table data was expanded upon from the project Cypress-Get-Table by Rogger Fernandez.