
creates debian binary packages

Primary LanguagePerlArtistic License 2.0Artistic-2.0


dropkg - creates debian binary packages


This document describes dropkg version 2.0.17




git clone http://github.com/z448/dropkg
cd dropkg/deb
dpkg -i dropkg_2.0.17_all.deb


cpan Filesys::Tree Archive::Ar
git clone http://github.com/z448/dropkg
cd dropkg
perl Makefile.PL
make install


  • If there is a control file in current directory dropkg will create debian binary package with contents of current directory. If there is a debian package in current directory dropkg will extract its contents into current directory.
    • -v show version
    • -c set compression for data archive: gzip, bzip2, lzma, xz, zstd
    • -s generate md5sums file and include it in package
    • -t show control file template
    • -m show debian policy manual
    • -h show help


Creating .deb package:
  • You have program 'myprg' that is using config file 'myprg.conf'. To create .deb package that will install program into '/usr/bin' directory and place config file into '/etc' directory create 'usr/bin' and 'etc' paths in current directory and move there program and config file.
$ pwd

$ ls
myprg   myprg.conf

$ mkdir -p usr/bin
$ mv myprg usr/bin/
$ mkdir etc
$ mv myprg.conf etc/
  • Create 'control' file. To see control file template use -t option.
$ dropkg -t | grep mandatory > control

$ cat control
Maintainer: (mandatory)
Package: (mandatory)
Version: (mandatory)
Architecture: (mandatory)
Depends: (mandatory if package has dependencies)
Description: (mandatory)
  • Fill in mandatory parts of control file with editor and use dropkg without any option to create .deb package.
$ ls
control  etc  usr

$ cat control
Package: myprg
Version: 1.0
Architecture: iphoneos-arm
Depends: perl
Maintainer: zdenek <zdenek@cpan.org>
Description: my test program

$ tree
├── control
├── etc
│   └── myprg.conf
└── usr
    └── bin
        └── myprg

$ dropkg
  • dropkg is using control file to create name for .deb package, Package_Version_Architecture.deb. To have different .deb filename pass it as first parameter dropkg filename.deb.
  • by default gzip compression is used for data unless '~/.dropkg' config contains different compression option. Compression can be also set by -c switch.
Extracting .deb package:
  • Go into directory that contains .deb package and run dropkg without any option. If there is more than one .deb file in current directory pass filename as first parameter dropkg filename.deb.
$ ls

$ dropkg
├── control
├── etc
│   └── myprg.conf
└── usr
    └── bin
        └── myprg

$ ls
control  etc  usr


dropkg is hosted on github. You can track and contribute to its development there.


Zdeněk Bohuněk, <zdenek@cpan.org>


Copyright © 2016-2023, Zdeněk Bohuněk <zdenek@cpan.org>. All rights reserved.

This code is available under the Artistic License 2.0.