- 2
- 3
Domains matching
#32 opened by z4nr34l - 3
- 2
Middlewares not working after moving to @rescale/nemo
#112 opened by Giusti - 4
Returning redirect or rewrite response doesn't stop subsequent middleware from executing
#107 opened by marko-hologram - 5
Problem with Authjs V5
#106 opened by miticdjd - 3
package has a high severity vulnerability due to relying on vulnerable version of path-to-regexp
#111 opened by adambirds - 2
- 4
dont work i18n middleware
#47 opened by godzzdeal - 1
[Performance] middleware-wide shared context
#82 opened by z4nr34l - 4
Support multiple global middlewares
#52 opened by Zenoo - 4
- 1
Add publishing automation
#26 opened by z4nr34l - 1
Add Changesets
#21 opened by z4nr34l - 5
withAuth issue from next-auth/middleware
#51 opened by xlCyanz - 4
`globalMiddlewares` don't work
#53 opened by visualcookie - 3
Refactor regex matchers
#31 opened by z4nr34l - 1
Matcher auto generation
#8 opened by z4nr34l - 1
- 4
- 3
Cookies are not saved with redirect response
#46 opened by swayok - 2
Update dependencies to support React 19 and Nextjs 15.
#48 opened by mifrej - 7
Chaining Rewrites
#40 opened by shadiramadan - 2
Excellent ! Keep it going !
#43 opened by johannbuscail - 6
typing issues with nextauth middleware
#16 opened by adambirds - 2
Add SonarQube scanning (CI/CD)
#22 opened by z4nr34l - 5
Chaining does not respect redirection
#17 opened by MrDesjardins - 1
Usage examples
#13 opened by z4nr34l - 0
Monorepo migration
#15 opened by z4nr34l - 3
Type mismatch of passed object
#12 opened by z4nr34l - 0
Path def regex support
#1 opened by z4nr34l - 0
Global middleware
#2 opened by z4nr34l - 0
Middlewares chaining
#3 opened by z4nr34l