
Starter kit for the simple web services powered by Monterosa.

  • Based on the Koa2
  • Has tests with AVA, NYC, Sinon and Faker
  • Has .env file for the environment specific settings
  • Has ESLint and Prettier integration
  • Has secure features: eslint-plugin-security and koa-helmet middleware
  • Has the private /:privateUUID/health and /:privateUUID/version routes
  • Has a middleware to validate the errors in the one place
  • Has a pretty logger with date time, file path and colors


Just clone the repository:

git clone


Just run the folowing command:

node ./app.js


.env and .env.erb files

The service uses .env file for the environment specific settings(HTTP port, MongoDB pass, MongoDB username and etc). We are using dotenv lib to move variables from .env file to the process.env. .env file added to .gitignore to be sure not putting private data into the repository. .env.erb this is template file for the developers and DevOps team to generate .env file with the right keys.

.env.erb structure

# mysql config
MONGO_DB_HOST=<%= @mongodb_host %>
MONGO_DB_PORT=<%= @mongodb_service_port %>
MONGO_DB_NAME=<%= @mongodb_service_user_name %>

# uuid for the private routes
HEALTH_UUID=<%= @health_uuid %>

# http port
HTTP_PORT=<%= @http_port %>

You can add custom environment variables to the .env.erb template file to use them in the service.

NOTE: All variables are strings!
By default (look into /helpers/env.js file) NODE_ENV variable will be production to disable development logs and switch koa to the production mode. To override it just add NODE_ENV=development to your local or dev .env file.

ESLint and Prettier

For eslint we are using the following configs: airbnb-base, plugin:security/recommended, plugin:node/recommended and plugings: node, security, prettier.

We are using prettier for pretty code style in the team.

To run eslint use the following command:

npm run lint

To run prettier use the following command:

npm run format


For tests we are using AVA, for coverage - NYC, for mocks - Sinon and for fake data - (Faker)[].

All tests placed in the tests folder and has .spec postfix.

To run tests use the following command:

npm run test

you can add -- --watch to autorun tests when files change.

You can use this npm run test:report command to generate report HTML page.


We are using Winston lib for the logs with some additional features. To get logger just include the get-logger file from the helpers folder to your file and pass the prefix to the getLogger function. We reccomend to use the __filename for the prefix.


const logger = require('./helpers/get-logger')(__filename);

*/'App started successfully on the port %s', process.env.HTTP_PORT); // [2018-02-23T09:28:43.499Z] [info] /path/to/your/file.js - App started successfully on the port 8080

Log levels

  • .warn - yellow color
  • .error - red color
  • .debug - grey color
  • .info - green color


For routing we using koa-router and for validation koa-validate libs. All routes placed in the /controllers folder and the main router is /router.js.

The router has two private routes:

  • /:privateUUID/health - the health information for this service
  • /:privateUUID/version - the current version of the service

To access this router user needs to know HEALTH UUID set in the .env file.


I welcome contributions! Please open an issue if you have any feature ideas or find any bugs. I also accept pull requests with open arms. I will go over the issues when I have time. :)