BaseAnimation network Android animation set, custom controls, nearly 200 kinds of source code! BaseAnimation, if a new version is updated automatically to remind everyone, I hope everyone will contribute their animated XML files or other source, together to create this open source app!
- bakamarukathmandu,Nepal
- BenbenNest
- brook19
- DanfengZhaoSecret
- deveshmittalUnited States
- GanganaiduUSBank
- garudaonekh
- goreycnSuzhou
- hlily2005
- i54334
- jhcloos
- jhyc
- jianglinchunBeiJing, China
- jikeruanjian
- kennyhui
- lihenair
- liujunvy89
- lostoy0Beijing
- lslxdxByteDance
- macosunityNanjing
- myheat
- peacedtzhengzhou
- PossibleZeroChina
- qiujiaheng2000
- rockylmc
- soarpatriotBeiJing
- sunbird89629bixin
- w5pand
- wcbkanaz
- wphmoon
- wujiyu115China
- xiaoxxaoniao
- xixinfei
- xuechinahbShenzhen, China
- zmywly8866EEBBK
- zxkevin1989