Summrs old dev aka Cyrus leaked the summrs token and told people to nuke the servers and after that lxi the owner of summrs just gave up on the bot as cyrus was the dev who did most of the work and also he snaked lxi + people nuked bunch of servers so he leaked the source and gave up on summrs.
How to setup a mongoDB server on windows 10
How to setup a mongoDB server on linux (Ubuntu)
First, setup a mongoDB database
After you're in the mongoDB shell (followed the tutorials above)
Run these commands:
use Bot
db.whitelist.insertOne({useless: ""})
You will need these dependencies: - download this (>=1.15 (recommended: latest))
go get - command line
go get - command line
After you've installed the dependencies, you are good to run this command:
cd (directory of the main.go file)
go build -ldflags "-s -w"
(you are also welcome to run it straight from the go file.)
go run main.go
Q: What is a token?
A: A token is an authentication "ticket" that allows the bot to function.
Q: What is the fastest Anti-Nuke bot?
A: Summrs was the fastest bot but now its no more a thing so but this code is the fastest.
Q: How do I make a bot/How do I get it's token?
A: Go Here then create an application (if you don't know how use youtube.)
Q: What is this bot?
A: This is a bot that protects your server from being "nuked"/"wizzed"
Q: Why is the setup so complex?
A: Due to the database that is used, Complex setup | Easier to read code (kinda my codes pretty bad)
Q: Why do I need to specify the amount of shards and what are they?
A: Simple answer, more servers your bot is in the more shards you need.
Q: What is the recommended amount of shards?
A: Unless you're using this for hundreds of guilds, It's safe to use 1.