
Canister for zk-maze

Primary LanguageRust

ZK Coprocessor


ZK coprocessor offloads intensive Zero-Knowledge (ZK) computations from traditional blockchains, enabling the creation and verification of Zero-Knowledge Proofs (ZKPs) without revealing private information. Established on ICP, the ZK coprocessor is designed to be multi-chain compatible, cost-effective, and high-speed. With the ZK Coprocessor, users and developers can enjoy Web3 services with near Web2 experience, fostering a new era of privacy-first digital identity and credentials on blockchain. For demo application use, we built a ZK Maze game to show that ZK coprocessor can be seamless integrated into a project.

Why using ICP

Comparison (STARK proof verification) ICP EVM chains
Cost as low as 2 cents thousand of dollars
Efficiency 0.2s per proof 30s to tens of minutes
Interoperability Reusable result in any tECDSA compatible chain Result locked in one chain
UX No gas fee, no wallet (reverse gas) Install wallet and buy ETH to simply get started

How to Run

🫙 Canister ID (on IC main net): 7n7be-naaaa-aaaag-qc4xa-cai.

If you want to deploy this canister locally, you can flow this flowing step:

cd icp-zk-maze/
cargo update

# if you don't have wasm32 toolchain, please install it first
rustup target add wasm32-unknown-unknown

# start ICP background locally
dfx start --clean --background

# build canister
dfx build zkmaze_backend

# deploy the zk coprocessor canister
dfx deploy zkmaze_backend

How to integrate with your frontend on IC main net (e.g. TypeScript)

  • Step1: get idl_factory and other ZK proof input data
// zk.ts
import fs from "fs";

export const programHash =

export const publicInput =

export const zkp_result = fs.readFileSync("./zkpResult.json", {
  encoding: "utf-8",

export const canister_id = "7n7be-naaaa-aaaag-qc4xa-cai";

export const idl_factory = ({ IDL }: { IDL: any }) => {
  return IDL.Service({
    greet: IDL.Func([IDL.Text], [IDL.Text], []),
    public_key: IDL.Func(
          Ok: IDL.Record({ public_key_hex: IDL.Text }),
          Err: IDL.Text,
    zk_verify: IDL.Func(
      [IDL.Text, IDL.Text, IDL.Text],
      [IDL.Text, IDL.Text, IDL.Vec(IDL.Text)],
  • Step2: Interact with ZK Coprocessor canister
// zkp-verify.ts
import fetch from "isomorphic-fetch";
import { Actor, HttpAgent } from "@dfinity/agent";
import {
} from "./zk";

(async () => {
  const agent = new HttpAgent({ fetch, host: "https://ic0.app" });

  const actor = Actor.createActor(idl_factory, {
    canisterId: canister_id,

  const res = await actor.zk_verify(programHash, publicInput, zkp_result);

ZK Coprocessor Application (ZK Maze game)

🔗 ZK Maze Github: https://github.com/zCloak-Network/ZK-Maze

🔗 ZK Maze Game: https://zkmaze.zkid.app/

🎬 Demo Video:
