
Simple code with GUI that searches .csv file from 'Substances Added to Food' FDA inventory (https://www.cfsanappsexternal.fda.gov/scripts/fdcc/index.cfm?set=FoodSubstances&sort=Used_for_Technical_Effect&order=ASC&type=basic&search=) for common unintuitive ingredients found on food packaging. Place files in the same directory for code to run properly. (WIP)

Primary LanguagePython


This project is a work in progress. In its current state, it contains all features initially planned but I want to expand its scope as I become more familiar with using Pandas and TKinter.


Many processed food packages contain long lists of confusing chemical names as food additives which are not immediately evident what their use is. This is a simple program with a GUI that searches 'FoodSubstances.csv' file from 'Substances Added to Food' FDA inventory (https://www.cfsanappsexternal.fda.gov/scripts/fdcc/index.cfm?set=FoodSubstances&sort=Used_for_Technical_Effect&order=ASC&type=basic&search=) for common unintuitive ingredients you may find on food packaging. The browser will return a single result ingredient/compound and uses if an exact match is entered or will return a suggested list if the search has multiple results. The follow up search will return info on the shortest-named ingredient containing the searched text and its uses.


Download both files and place them in the same folder/direcotry. This code is not yet available as an executable and requires a python code interpreter to function (*most IDEs are able to write and run or 'interpret' code). This program will only run a file named 'FoodSubstances.csv' unless you change the target path in the code.