
A cellular automata emulator with custom rules and cell types.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


A scripting language for describing cellular automatas

Defining an Element

Element - a type of cell that can interract with the world

To define an element, keyword element is used.

Default syntax is shown below:

    color #000000;

    rules {

Color can be any value of type #RRGGBB

Rules and conditions

To define rules, you use conditional and actional statements.

Conditions are defined with keywords if and ifnot followed by a condition:


NUMBER can be an integer or an inclusive range ([a..b]).

TYPE is the type of cell you check for.

DIRECTION can be an integer for specific neighbors cells or a built-in DIR constant

Conditional statements check if there are NUMBER of TYPE type cells at neighbor cells mapped by DIR.

Conditional statement can be followed by a one-line instruction or by another conditional statement inside of a {block}.


Action statements are result of conditional statements.

Currently the only actional statement is =>:


This statement turns a cell into TYPE type cell.

The statement can be defined outside a conditional instruction:

rules {
    => TYPE

DIR patterns

The DIR constant defines which neighbor cells are being checked in a conditional statement.

DIR can take values of UP, DOWN, LEFT, RIGHT (DIR.UP) and various combinations of those for corner neighbor cells (DIR.UPLEFT).

Also DIR takes values of CROSS, X (DIR.CROSS) for checking only corner neighbor cells and PLUS (DIR.PLUS) for checking all non-corner neighbor cells.

For checking all the cells aroung use DIR.ALL or DIR.ANY.