ZTG - Windows Console Graphics Engine

Primary LanguageCMIT LicenseMIT


CMAKE USED LANGUAGE PLATFORM TERMINAL License: MIT GitHub last commit (branch)


Compile the library as a static library and include it in your own project include the file ZTG.h

#include "ZTG/ZTG.H"


#include "ZTG/ZTG.H"

int main(void){
    /*Init the console with a Title, width, height, the resolution on the x axis and y axis*/
    ztg_init("Example Window", 480, 250, 2, 2);

    /*Start the console clock*/
    /*Check if the app is running*/
    while (ztg_is_app_running()) {

        /*Start the frame iteration*/

        /*Get the inputs from the user*/
        /*Handle the inputs received*/
        /*With a custom function or in this while loop*/
        // Example : HandleInputs();

        /*Clear the background*/
        ztg_clear(C_BLACK );
        /*Update the frame passing the elapsed time*/
        /*With a custom function or in this while loop*/
        // Example : Update(ztg_get_elapsed_time());
        /*Swap the console buffers*/
        /*End the frame iteration*/

    /*Sets the console to its original handle*/

    return 0;


#include "ZTG/ZTG.H"

int main(void){
    /*Init the console with a Title, width, height, the resolution on the x axis and y axis*/
    ztg_init("Example Window", 480, 250, 2, 2);

    /*Setup every functions needed during the application loop*/
    /*Start function pointer : The function called at the start of the app*/
    /*HandleInputs function pointer : The function called during the loop of the app to handle the user inputs recieved*/
    /*Update function pointer : The function called during the loop of the appo to update the app frame*/
    /*OnDestroy function pointer : The function called at the end of the app*/
    ztg_setup_callbacks(Start, HandleInputs, Update, OnDestroy);

    /*Run the application*/

Every function pointer can be set to NULL and the engine will handle the function by itself with a default behaviour.

NOTE : The application created can only be opened correctly from the Windows Commands Prompt