This plugin moves data from the Facebook Ads API to GCS based on the specified object
This hook handles the authentication and request to Facebook Ads.
Contrib Airflow GCSHook with the standard boto dependency.
This operator composes the logic for this plugin. It queries Facebook Ads Insights and drops the results in an GCS bucket. It accepts the following parameters:
:param facebook_conn_id: The source facebook connection id.
:type gcs_conn_id: string
:param gcs_conn_id: The destination gcs connection id.
:type gcs_conn_id: string
:param gcs_bucket: The destination gcs bucket.
:type gcs_bucket: string
:param gcs_key: The destination gcs key.
:type gcs_key: string
:param account_ids: An array of Facebook Ad Account Ids strings which
own campaigns, ad_sets, and ads.
:type account_ids: array
:param insight_fields: An array of insight field strings to get back from
the API. Defaults to an empty array.
:type insight_fields: array
:param breakdowns: An array of breakdown strings for which to group insights.abs
Defaults to an empty array.
:type breakdowns: array
:param since: A datetime representing the start time to get Facebook data.
Can use Airflow template for execution_date
:type since: datetime
:param until: A datetime representing the end time to get Facebook data.
Can use Airflow template for next_execution_date
:type until: datetime
:param time_increment: A string representing the time increment for which to get data,
described by the Facebook Ads API. Defaults to 'all_days'.
:type time_increment: string
:param level: A string representing the level for which to get Facebook Ads data,
can be campaign, ad_set, or ad level. Defaults to 'ad'.
:type level: string
:param limit: The number of records to fetch in each request. Defaults to 100.
:type limit: integer```