Pinned Repositories
ANSI Common Lisp 中文翻译版
A canvas for generating technical drawings
A curated list of awesome Common Lisp frameworks, libraries and other shiny stuff.
android brush sketch
Buildapp makes it easy to build application executables with SBCL
Minimalist computer aided design (CAD) software
Common Lisp implementation of algorithms
The Common Lisp Cookbook
simple vector editor written in common lisp for win32
zYg-sys's Repositories
Minimalist computer aided design (CAD) software
ANSI Common Lisp 中文翻译版
A canvas for generating technical drawings
A curated list of awesome Common Lisp frameworks, libraries and other shiny stuff.
Buildapp makes it easy to build application executables with SBCL
Common Lisp implementation of algorithms
The Common Lisp Cookbook
Design Pattern Examples in C++
LISP Library for CAD Applications
A simple boilerplate that builds an Electron app with SBCL and SQLite3 embedded
fork from
Common Lisp Win32 GUI library
Code repository of all OpenGL chapters from the book and its accompanying website
lunasvg is a standalone c++ library to create, animate, manipulate and render SVG files.
Web server and client framework
The Memory Pool System
mupdf mirror
Antialiased 2D vector drawing library on top of OpenGL for UI and visualizations.
PDFio is a simple C library for reading and writing PDF files.
A pkcs#11 provider for OpenSSL 3.0+
A trivial way to get a native Common Lisp environment on Windows
A C++17 PDF manipulation library
RBush is a high-performance C++11 library for 2D spatial indexing of points and rectangles. It's based on an optimized R-tree data structure with bulk insertion support.
Remote-Code-Publisher Purpose: A Code Repository is a Program responsible for managing source code resources, e.g., files and documents. A fully developed Repository will support file persistance, managment of versions, and the acquisition and publication of source and document files. A Remote Repository adds the capability to access the Repository's functionality over a communication channel, e.g., interprocess communication, inter-network communication, and communication across the internet. In this project we will focus on the publication functionality of a Remote Repository. We will develop a remote code publisher, local client, and communication channel that supports client access to the publisher from any internet enabled processor. The communication channel will use sockets and support an HTTP like message structure. The channel will support: HTTP style request/response transactions One-way communication, allowing asynchronous messaging between any two endpoints that are capable of listening for connection requests and connecting to a remote listener. Transmission of byte streams that are set up with one or more negotiation messages followed by transmission of a stream of bytes of specified stream size2. The Remote Code Publisher will: Support publishing web pages that are small wrappers around C++ source code files, just as we did in Project #3. Accept source code text files, sent from a local client. Support building dependency relationships between code files saved in specific repository folders, based on the functionality you provided in Project #2 and used in Project #3. Support HTML file creation for all the files in a specified repository folder1, including linking information that displays dependency relationships, and supports and navigation based on dependency relationships. Delete stored files, as requested by a local client. Clients of the Remote Code Publisher will provide a Graphical User Interface (GUI) with means to: Upload one or more source code text files to the Remote Publisher, specifying a category with which those files are associated1. Display file categories, based on the directory structure supported by the Repository. Display all the files in any category. Display all of the files in any category that have no parents. Display the web page for any file in that file list by clicking within a GUI control. This implies that the client will download the appropriate webpages, scripts, and style sheets and display, by starting a browser with a file cited on the command line2. On starting, will download style sheet and JavaScript files from the Repository. Note that your client does not need to supply the functionality to display web pages. It simply starts a browser to do that. Browsers will accept a file name, which probably includes a relative path to display a web page from the local directory. You could also start IIS web server and provide an appropriate URL to the browser on startup. Either approach is acceptable. If you use IIS, you won't have to download files, but you are obligated to show that you can do that. Requirements: Your Remote Repository: (2) Shall use Visual Studio 2015 and its C++ Windows console projects, as provided in the ECS computer labs. You must also use Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF) to provide a required client Graphical User Interface (GUI). (1) Shall use the C++ standard library's streams for all console I/O and new and delete for all heap-based memory management. (3) Shall provide a Repository program that provides functionality to publish, as linked web pages, the contents of a set of C++ source code files. (4) Shall, for the publishing process, satisfy the requirements of CodePublisher developed in Project #3. (4) Shall provide a Client program that can upload files3, and view Repository contents, as described in the Purpose section, above. (3) Shall provide a message-passing communication system, based on Sockets, used to access the Repository's functionality from another process or machine. (2) The communication system shall provide support for passing HTTP style messages using either synchronous request/response or asynchronous one-way messaging. (1) The communication system shall also support sending and receiving streams of bytes6. Streams will be established with an initial exchange of messages. (5) Shall include an automated unit test suite that demonstrates you meet all the requirements of this project4 including the transmission of files. (5 point bonus) Shall optionally use a lazy download strategy, that, when presented with a name of a source code web page, will download that file and all the files it links to. This allows you to demonstrate your project using local webpages instead of downloading the entire contents of the Code Publisher for demonstration. (5 point bonus) Shall optionally have the publisher accept a path, on the commandline, to a virtual directory on the server. Then support browsing directly from the server by supplying a url to that path when you start a browser. This works only if you setup IIS on your machine and make the path a virtual directory. The TAs will do that on the grading machines. Categories are the names of folders in which the Repository stores its source code and web files. You may define Categories in any way that seems sensible. For example, they could simply be the namespace(s) for the uploaded files, or a Client supplied name. You will find a demonstration of how to programmatically start an application here. The stream capablity is intended to send files, which could be either text or binary format. Stream size will be the file size. Transmitting and receiving byte streams will be used to send and receive files in either text or binary format. This is in addition to the construction tests you include as part of every package you submit. Project 3 statement: Purpose: A Code Repository is a Program responsible for managing source code resources, e.g., files and documents. A fully developed Repository will support file persistance, managment of versions, and the acquisition and publication of source and document files. This project focuses on just the publishing functionality of a repository. In this project we will develop means to display source code files as web pages with embedded child links. Each link refers to a code file that the displayed code file depends on. There are several things you need to know in order to complete this project: Each file to be published is a C++ source file. Our publisher will generate, for each of these, an HTML file, with most of the contents drawn from the code file. The pages we will generate have only static content, with the exception of some embedded JavaScript and styling, so we won't need a web server. We will need to preserve the white space structure of the displayed source code. That can be done embedding all the code between the tags <pre> and </pre> or by using the CSS white-space property with value "pre" to style a div with all the code in its contents. Any markup characters in the code text will have to be escaped, e.g., replace < with < and > with >. File dependencies are displayed in the web page with embedded links, which are implemented in HTML5 with anchor elements: <a href="[url of referenced html page]">source code file name</a> For each class, we will, optionally, implement outlining, similar to the visual studio outlining feature. To do that we will use the CSS display property, with values: normal or none, to control whether the contents of a div are visible or not. The Code Publisher will be embedded in a mock Repository with almost no functionality except to support publishing of source code as web pages. Specifically you are not expected to provide support for: package checkin or checkout versioning You are expected to support: Dependency analysis of the C++ source code files you will publish, using the analyzer you developed in Project #2. The ability to specify, on the command line, files to be published, by providing command line arguments for path and file patterns. The ability to display any file cited on the command line, by starting a process that runs a browser of your choice, naming the specification of the file you want to display. Note that the CodePublisher project creates a code generator. Its inputs are C++ code and its outputs are HTML code. Requirements: Your CodePublisher Project: (1) Shall use Visual Studio 2015 and its C++ Windows console projects, as provided in the ECS computer labs. (2) Shall use the C++ standard library's streams for all console I/O and new and delete for all heap-based memory management1. (4) Shall provide a Publisher program that provides for creation of web pages each of which captures the content of a single C++ source code file, e.g., *.h or *.cpp. (10) Shall, optionally2 provide the facility to expand or collapse class bodies, methods, and global functions using JavaScript and CSS properties. (2) Shall provide a CSS style sheet that the Publisher uses to style its generated pages and (if you are implementing the previous optional requirement) a JavaScript file that provides functionality to hide and unhide sections of code for outlining, using mouse clicks. (2) Shall embed in each web page's <head> section links to the style sheet and JavaScript file. (4) Shall embedd HTML5 links to dependent files with a label, at the top of the web page. Publisher shall use functionality from your Project #2 to discover package dependencies within the published set of source files. (2) Shall develop command line processing to define the files to publish by specifying path and file patterns. (3) Shall demonstrate the CodePublisher functionality by publishing all the important packages in your Project #3. (5) Shall include an automated unit test suite that demonstrates you meet all the requirements of this project2. That means that you are not allowed to use any of the C language I/0, e.g., printf, scanf, etc, nor the C memory management, e.g., calloc, malloc, or free. This optional requirement will take a significant amount of work to complete successfully. You should get everything else working before attempting this additional effort. This is in addition to the construction tests you include as part of every package you submit.
Source code and supporting material for the 7th Edition of OpenGL SuperBible
Walls cave survey software
Microsoft Edge WebView2 samples
ZBar is an open source software suite for reading bar codes from various sources, including webcams. As its development stopped in 2012, I took the task of keeping it updated with the V4L2 API. This is the main repository for it. There's a clone at at, and another one at gitlab.