
Particl Market Place

Primary LanguageTypeScriptGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

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Getting Started

Step 1: Set up the Development Environment

You need to set up your development environment before you can do anything.

Install Node.js and NPM

  • on OSX use homebrew brew install node
  • on Windows use chocolatey choco install nodejs
  • on Linux (Ubuntu) use curl -sL https://deb.nodesource.com/setup_11.x | sudo -E bash -
    sudo apt-get install -y nodejs

Then install yarn globally

npm install yarn -g

And finally install Docker and docker-compose

Step 2: Set up the Project

Fork this project.

git clone git@github.com:xludx/particl-market.git

Then copy the .env.example file and rename it to .env. In this file you can edit your database connection information among other stuff, but everything should really work out of the box.

cp .env.example .env

Download and install particl-core, then run it with a particl.conf like this:




debuglogfile=debug.log # | 0


Then setup your application environment.

npm run setup

This installs all dependencies with yarn. After that it migrates the database and seeds some test data into it. So after that your development environment is ready to use.

Step 2b: Set up the Project to run using docker

Create the needed .env files.

cp .env.example .env
cp .env.docker-compose .env.docker-compose.app1
cp .env.docker-compose .env.docker-compose.app2

If you want to use a specific wallet as the Profile wallet, in the app1 and/or app2 .env files, set:


Create data folders for the particl-market's and particld's. You can pull it from git@github.com:xludx/particl-market-data.git. Make sure it's located in the same folder as particl-market.

cd ..
git clone git@github.com:xludx/particl-market-data.git

Find the particl.conf files and set printtoconsole=0.

Step 3: Serve your App

Go to the project dir and start your app with this npm script.

yarn serve

This starts a local server using nodemon, which will watch for any file changes and will restart the server according to these changes. The server address will be displayed to you as market rpc: http://localhost:3100/api/rpc market cli: http://localhost:3100/cli particl-core rpc: localhost:51935 see src/api/commands for all the possible rpc commands.

Step 3b: Or serve your App using Docker

Build the docker image defined in Dockerfile and start the services.

docker-compose build
docker-compose up

Building and running everything and downloading the blockchain for the first time might take some time.

This starts two marketplace applications and two particl daemons for you. app1 rpc: http://localhost:3100/api/rpc, cli: http://localhost:3100/cli, connecting to particl1 on port 52935 app2 rpc: http://localhost:3200/api/rpc, cli: http://localhost:3200/cli, connecting to particl2 on port 53935

Scripts / Tasks

All script are defined in the package.json file, but the most important ones are listed here.


  • Install all dependencies with yarn install


  • Run code quality analysis using npm run lint. This runs tslint.
  • There is also a vscode task for this called lint.


Black-box tests are run against the applications rpc-api, so you need to start the application for those to work. Integration tests start the application container and do not require the application to be running.

  • Run the unit tests using npm test (There is also a vscode task for this called test).
  • Run the integration tests using npm run test:integration:pretty and don't forget to start your application.
  • Run the black-box tests using npm run test:black-box:pretty and don't forget to start your application.
  • Run the ui tests using npm run test:ui:pretty and don't forget to start your application.
  • To run just some certain test(s) try TEST=Market* npm run test:integration:single

Running in dev mode

  • Run npm run serve to start nodemon with ts-node, to serve the app.
  • The server address will be displayed to you as

Building the project and run it

  • Run npm run build to generated all JavaScript files from the TypeScript sources (There is also a vscode task for this called build).
  • To start the built app located in dist use npm start.


  • Run npm run db:migrate to migrate schema changes to the database
  • Run npm run db:migrate:rollback to rollback one migration
  • Run npm run db:seed to seed sample data into the database
  • Run npm run db:reset to rollback all migrations and migrate any migration again
  • Run ./bin/recreate-dbs.sh to recreate dev/test databases


  • To run your own created command enter npm run console <command-name>.
  • This list all your created commands npm run console:help.

Scaffolding Commands

All the templates for the commands are located in src/console/templates.

  • npm run console make:resource - Generates a command, service, requests, repo, model and a migration with CRUD operations.
  • npm run console make:controller - Generates a controller.
  • npm run console make:service - Generates a service.
  • npm run console make:command - Generates a command.
  • npm run console make:factory - Generates a factory.
  • npm run console make:messageprocessor - Generates a messageprocessor.
  • npm run console make:repo - Generates a repository.
  • npm run console make:model - Generates a model with the props and configurations.
  • npm run console make:middleware - Generates a basic middleware.
  • npm run console make:request - Generates a basic request.
  • npm run console make:listener - Generates a basic listener.
  • npm run console make:exception - Generates a basic exception.
  • npm run console make:enum - Generates a basic enum.
  • npm run console make:api-test - Generates an api test.
  • npm run console make:integration-test - Generates an integration test.
  • npm run console make:seed - Generates a seeder.
  • npm run console update:targets - Reads all the API files and generate a new constants/Targets.ts file out of it.


$ npm run console make:service ExampleService
// -> creates `api/services/ExampleService.ts

$ npm run console make:model user
// -> creates `api/models/User.ts


  • This CLI gives you easy access to the RPC commands.
  • Run npm run serve to serve the app.
  • Go to http://localhost:3000/cli to access the CLI.
  • Type help to get a list of supported commands.



Compile markdown to static site from ./src/docs to ./docs:

npm run docs:build


Run a dev documentation server that live-reloads at http://localhost:4567:

npm run docs:serve [PORT] [ROOT]


Our IoC automatically looks through the controllers, listeners , middlewares, services, repositories, commands, factories, messageprocessors and models folders in src/api/ for files to bound automatically into the IoC - Container, so you have nothing to do.

However it is very important to keep the naming right, because otherwise our IoC will not find your created files!!

API Routes

The route prefix is /api by default, but you can change this in the .env file. The route for the RPC API is /api/rpc.

Route Description
/api/info Shows us the name, description and the version of the package.json
/cli Web based CLI to use the RPC commands
/api/rpc RPC Server endpoint

Project Structure

Name Description
.vscode/ VSCode tasks, launch configuration and some other settings
dist/ Compiled source files will be placed here
src/ Source files
src/api/commands/ RPC Commands
src/api/controllers/ REST API Controllers
src/api/exceptions/ Exceptions like 404 NotFound
src/api/factories/ Factories
src/api/listeners/ Event listeners
src/api/messageprocessors/ Marketplace messageprocessors
src/api/messages/ Marketplace messages
src/api/middlewares/ Express Middlewares
src/api/models/ Bookshelf Models
src/api/repositories/ Repository / DB layer
src/api/requests/ Request bodys with validations
src/api/services/ Service layer
src/console/ Command line scripts
src/config/ Configurations like database or logger
src/constants/ Global Constants
src/core/ The core framework
src/database/factories/ Model factories to generate database records
src/database/migrations/ Migrations scripts to build up the database schema
src/database/seeds/ Seed scripts to fake sample data into the database
src/public/ Static assets (fonts, css, js, img).
src/types/ *.d.ts Custom type definitions and files that aren't on DefinitelyTyped
test Tests
test/black-box/ *.test.ts Black-Box tests (rpc endpoint tests)
test/integration/ *.test.ts Integration tests
test/unit/ *.test.ts Unit tests
.env.example Environment configurations
test/ .env.test.example Test environment configurations
knexfile.ts This file is used for the migrations and seed task of knex


This project is based on Express Typescript Boilerplate Dependency Status Build Status Build status