
JavaFX Social Network GUI

Primary LanguageJava

Social Network GUI

A JavaFX project which utilises the MVC model to build a social media GUI.

Constraints of the project

  • There are three type of person: Adult (over 16), Child (3 - 16 year old) and YoungChild (2 year old or younger).
  • Each person has a “profile” in the social network that keeps track of persons’ name, age, gender, profile picture, status and list of connections on his/her profile.
  • A child can be a friend ONLY to another child who is also younger than 16 and from a different family with an age difference of 3 or less.
  • Other than friend and parent relations, there are other types of connections such as sibling, colleague and classmater.
  • Colleague relation only applies on Adults.
  • Classmate relation can apply on Adults and Children, but not young children.

Functionality of the project

  • If a people.txt file is present, the SQLite tables will be emptied and repopulated with the entries in the file.
  • If a file and database if not available, then the application will not show any data or add any data.

Getting Started

To get started: Clone the project -> Open the directory in mac or unix terminal -> Type 'make' and press enter. To clean class file: Type 'make clean' and press enter.


No prerequisites needed to run the project, although a UNIX or Mac terminal is required in order to run the Makefile

Built With

  • Java 8
  • JavaFX
  • SQLite Database
  • JUnit 5 Unit Tests
  • Makefile


The project will be converted to a Maven project in the future.


Tejas Cherukara