- 1
- 8
- 2
- 1
Typo in seabios build?
#57 opened by srd424 - 2
- 1
- 0
- 3
Web UI - OIDC Issue
#45 opened by ThinkFar - 3
- 0
Incus upgrade with masked service
#50 opened by Tarjaizaid - 0
- 6
- 1
incus storage volume info POOL VOLUME requires "type/" but help documents state "type/" is optional.
#46 opened by AJRepo - 3
Any interest in adding Dockerfiles?
#41 opened by cmspam - 0
Add MinIO client (`mc`) to /opt/incus/bin/
#42 opened by stgraber - 2
#40 opened by janmuennich - 2
Deletion of snapshots with ':' fails
#39 opened by janmuennich - 1
- 10
- 5
Apparently upgrade on SID fails
#37 opened by mcondarelli - 1
Upgrade from Ubuntu 20.04 to Ubuntu 22.04 breaks Incus' qemu/kvm (libnettle7 vs libnettle8).
#35 opened by Eihrister - 1
- 11
Failed to update on Pop_OS 22.04 LTS
#33 opened by nalakawula - 0
Separate /opt partition breaks startup on boot
#30 opened by jgraichen - 0
"Incus UI" documentation
#32 opened by osamuaoki - 1
- 2
- 7
- 3
provide more useful deb changelog
#24 opened by jdstrand - 0
- 0
incus-client and completion
#26 opened by montag451 - 0
Update UI to 0.6
#25 opened by stgraber - 6
- 0
- 2
Snapshot create --stateful failure
#21 opened by mcondarelli - 0
document the available architectures
#20 opened by gschintgen - 1
- 1
Github Sponsor Link Typo
#18 opened by prudentcircle - 5
- 5
Management of subuid/subgid as part of package
#15 opened by f-bn - 1
incus copy fails inside a container
#13 opened by antifob - 1
Package the LXD UI as incus-ui-canonical
#7 opened by stgraber - 1
incus cannot be installed inside a container
#12 opened by antifob - 4
0.1 version missing in repo
#11 opened by wociscz - 1
Starting a container creates high CPU wait
#10 opened by elburb - 1
Split incus-client as its own package
#3 opened by stgraber - 0
- 4
- 8
permission denied
#1 opened by mmrezaie - 1