
Simple code base and instructions to convert yolov3 darknet weights to tensorflow .pb to serve @ tensorflow model server

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Simple code base and instructions to convert yolov3 darknet weights to tensorflow .pb to serve @ tensorflow model server

Convert .weights to .ckpt

Use DW2TF repository


Deploy to tf-model-server

Go to export.py

Change the path and filename for .ckpt files

Change the input, output nodes for yolo (you can find it using Netron or the graph.log file which will be generated after running export.py [even if it fails, the graph.log will be generated])


python export.py

The model will be found in exported_model folder

Copy the .pb / .pbtxt and the variables folder to serving path (~serving/versions/)

Run gRPC server

tensorflow_model_server --port=9000 --model_name=yolo --model_base_path=/absolute_path_to/yolo_v3/serving/versions/

Run REST Server

To serve with GPU

nohup tensorflow_model_server \
  --rest_api_port=8501 \
  --model_name=yolo \
  -t tensorflow/serving:gpu >server.log 2>&1

To serve at CPU

nohup tensorflow_model_server \
  --rest_api_port=8502 \
  --model_name=yolo \
  -t tensorflow/serving:latest >server.log 2>&1
Docker/ GPU

Docker KILL

docker container ls

docker stop ID

Clear GPU memory

nvidia-smi | grep 'python' | awk '{ print $3 }' | xargs -n1 kill -9

Inference / API call

Look into the * test_api.py * for both gRPC and REST

Flask Server for native darknet YOLOv3

A light flask server for darknet yolov3 is in darknet_server folder

Run darknet_server.py

Has both numpy image and base64 image support

It is slightly faster than tensorflow-model-server based on some benchmarks, but it has very limited functionalities

Not scalable yet