
Simple one-time note service

Primary LanguageGo


This is the simplest possible service for leaving one-time notes. This can be compiled into a single binary, all batteries included:

  1. Embedded DB (boltdb)
  2. All static files can be compiled to binary


You need to have go and make tools installed:

  1. Clone this repository
  2. Run make


  • -config — path to configuration file

Possible contents of a configuration file is listed below:

  "port": "which port should be used to start server",
  "domain": "domain that this server is binded to, need this to generate correct link",
  "dbLocation": "location of the db file on disk",
  "clientKey": "ReCAPTCHA site key",
  "secretKey": "ReCAPTCHA secret key"

Every config parameter can be redefined with setting environment variable thanks to gonfig.