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List of Projects:

- UI Automation using Selenium with C#.Net and Playwright tool

- API Automation using RestSharp

- Mocking and Stubbing using WireMock.Net

List of Libraries used in this repo :

  1. Nunit
  2. Selenium.WebDriver
  3. Playwright
  4. SpecFlow.NET
  5. RestSharp
  6. ExtentReport
  7. SeriLog

This repo supports the following:

  1. Parallel testing
    • supports running tests in cross-browser. (update browser detail in .runsetting file)
    • supports running tests in the same browsers.
      • Spin up the Docker file by triggering the 'SeleniumGrid_DockerUp.bat' (update type = remote in .runsetting file)
    • Selenium Grid Stand Alone .jar is added to run the Parallel tests within the local machine itself for that run 'SeleniumGrid_Standalone.bat' file
  2. Screenshot image of failed tests.
  3. Proper log message to debug the failures.
  4. Extent HTML report to view BDD - Specflow Scenario results.

Steps to Run Test cases:

  1. Open the cloned repo, Navigate to the dialog box: Test -> Configure Run Settings -> add/select the .runsetting file
  2. Go to Test Explorer. Select any test cases to run.