
Monitors Reddit API for given subreddits and exposes the data on a HTTP API

Primary LanguagePython

Reddit History

A simple suite of services that monitors a given list of subreddits on reddit API, fetches all submissions and comments related to it, stores them in a Mongo database and exposes the data over a HTTP API. Uses Docker with Docker Compose.


$ docker-compose up

The API is accessible at localhost:5000/items with the following params:

  • from, to (required) - the time interval (in UNIX timestamp).
  • subreddit (required).
  • keyword (optional) - it will return only the items containing the keyword in the title/body.

So, a call might look like http://localhost:5000/items?from=1472546520&to=1472546534&subreddit=python&keyword=interactions


The monitored subreddits can be changed in reddit_worker/config.yml. Another configurable option is polling_interval(in seconds) in the same file. Note that after any change, the docker containers must be rebuilt, so a next run would be:

$ docker-compose --build up


$ bash run_tests.sh

$ EXTERNAL_TEST=1 bash run_tests.sh

This script sets-up the docker containers, and run all tests. It can also run external tests (to check the Reddit API) if the environment variable is set like above.