
Keep track of politicians fulfilling their campaign promises or not

Primary LanguagePython

Promise Tracker

Keep track of politicians fulfilling their campaign promises or not.

Read this in other languages: Hungarian

Getting Started

These instructions will give you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes.


You need to install the following tools:


  1. Install dependencies with pip install -r requirements.txt
  2. Copy env template cp .env.example .env then fill in missing keys
  3. Create database with createdb igeretfigyelo
  4. Load database schema with psql -f db/schema.sql -d igeretfigyelo
  5. Generate a sample database with python db/seed.py (it will erase all existing data)

Default users are (email / password:

Running locally

  1. Start the server with python __init__.py
  2. Visit or localhost:8080
  3. Enjoy development :)

Running the tests

The project does not have tests yet :(

Style test

The project does not have style tests yet :(


Please read CONTRIBUTING.md for details on our code of conduct, and the process for submitting pull requests to us.


The project doesn't have explicit license yet :(