
A collection of simple python excerises

Primary LanguagePythonApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Welcome to the world of Python. This is a series of small python programming excercises that are aimed at improving the programming skills in the field of Python.

The question set is provided by the following link -> https://github.com/zac11/Python-programming-exercises

which is fork of the set of questions and hints provided at this link -> https://github.com/zhiwehu/Python-programming-exercises

This is one of the many different sets of Python based questions and solutions based where I will be solving the problems and explaining the outputs.

The questions are of different difficulty levels and the solutions have been correspondingly provided and explained so that any one who looks at the solution knows exactly what is happening in each step.

To ensure that the simplicity of the solutions is maintained, and every new user knows how to proceed, the solutions have been broken down in a level wise structure which describes the complexity of the questions. For example, Level 1 questions are simple questions that you'll find easy to solve. The complexity and difficulty of questions increases with increasing levels.

For direct access,this is the solutions to the Level 1 problems : https://github.com/zac11/Python_Excerices/tree/master/Level1

This is the solutions to Level 2 problems : https://github.com/zac11/Python_Excerices/tree/master/Level2

Please feel free to fork and use it for your practice.