Demonstrate how to use JSON Schema validation with Playwright
JSON Schema validation has to be one of the most important checks when you're working with JSON data - it may be in development or while doing API tests. It's a very good way of ensuring that the data obtained from JSON, over a network, maintains the data sanctity.
By default, out of the box, Playwright doesn't gives you the in-built ability ( at least that I know) of validating the schema of JSON, when running the
API tests. As such, you've to rely on external libraries like zod
, ajv
, joi
, yup
, typebox
to validate the json schema.
In Rest Assured, there is an inbuild method to match JSON Schema.
response.then().assertThat().body(JsonSchemaValidator.matchesJsonSchema(new File("filepath_to_schema_file")));
The API tests here use the Restful Booker service and contains test code that is available here -
is a great library that you can use to match JSON Schema against your response data from the API's.
It provides very rich API and extended functionalities on top of the joi
library that exists for schema validation.
You need to create your own schema and then match it against your data. You can use this link to convert your existing JSON Schema to a zod
compatible schema
For this test, the zod
schema is at ./schemaFiles/zodSchema.ts
To run the tests for validating the response run npx playwright test jsonvalidation_w_zod.spec.ts
is one of the older but still fantastic library for parsing and validating the JSON Schema against the response data.
For our tests, we have created a joi
schema at ./schemaFiles/joiSchema.ts
To run the tests for validating the response run npx playwright test jsonvalidation_w_joi.spec.ts
Just run npx playwright test
to run all tests.