
Simple Test Framework with Playwright

Primary LanguageTypeScript


Current status of Tests : Playwright Tests

Simple Test Framework with Playwright

This is a simple sample test framework using Page Object Model in Playwright. Tests are written in .ts, and run only on Chrome, but in parallel.


Since this is based on Playwright with TS, so the pre-requisite is that you should have NodeJS installed on your system. Once NodeJS is installed.

  • Clone the repo : gh repo clone zac11/playwright-work-demo (or using git clone zac11/playwright-work-demo)
  • Install the npm dependencies using npm i or npm install
  • See the Running tests section on how to run the tests


The primary directories are as follows

  • .github : Contains the .yaml files for Github Actions CI.
  • data : Contains the different data providers.
  • locators : Contains locator classes. All classes inside this folder has locators.
  • pages : Page class contains the methods/assertions per page.
  • tests : Contain the tests for the web pages

System Under Test

The system under test is : https://tutorialsninja.com/demo/

Libraries Used

  • Playwright : For driving the UI tests
  • faker : For creating fake data
  • cryptoJS : For encrypting passwords ( not done yet)
  • excelJS : For handling excel data in TS
  • yaml : For handling yaml data in TS.


There are three different configuration files for this tests

  • playwright.config.ts - If you want to run tests on your local , then use this - used by default.
  • playwright.ci.config.ts - If you want to run tests in CI - this is used for running tests in Github Actions.
  • playwright.allure.config.ts - If you want to generate allure reports.

Running tests

To run all tests on local run npx playwright test

To run all tests in CI - mode (headless) npm run test-ci

To run tests and generate an allure report npm run alluretests


The tests run on a periodic basis and sends email of your test run in to your email. To change the secrets and allow the emails to be sent to your email id - you will have to


Reports are hosted on the Github pages. Open https://.github.io/playwright-work-demo after running your tests. For my tests reports are at https://zac11.github.io/playwright-work-demo You can read this here : https://harshitshah156.medium.com/host-your-automation-report-on-github-pages-with-github-actions-69f80857bd28


The test suite contains a docker file that enables you to run the commands in Docker in local/ci systems

  • Build the docker file : docker build -t pw .

here you can replace pw with whatever tag name you want to give - it could be docker build -t testing .

  • Once the Dockerfile is built, then run that using docker run -it pw:latest npm run test-ci - replace the tag name (pw) with whatever tag name you've given