
CLI to deploy a private gem server to Google App Engine Flex

Primary LanguageRubyApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


Build Status

This gem is a tool that lets you manage, interact with, and deploy a private gem server to a Google Cloud Platform project. The gemserver acts as a private gem repository for your gems similar to how rubygems.org works with the exception that pushing and installing gems are protected operations.


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'google-cloud-gemserver'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install google-cloud-gemserver


Basic Prerequisites

  1. Create a Google Cloud Platform (GCP) project.
  2. Install and setup the gcloud SDK. Currently, versions 161+ are supported.
  3. Install the beta and kubectl component for gcloud by running gcloud component install beta kubectl
  4. Authenticate gcloud by using a service account or application default credentials. Using a service account is the recommended method for authentication; application default credentials should only be used for development purposes. Read this authentication guide for more information.
  5. Running acceptance or performance tests requires you to have the Cloud SQL proxy running with your Cloud SQL instance. Visit this link to learn how to install and run it (steps 3 and 5 can be skipped).

Gemserver on Google Container Engine Workflow

  1. Set the GEMSERVER_CREDS environment variable to the path to your project service account. It must have project and Cloud SQL admin privileges.
  2. Create a service account with a role "Cloud SQL Client". Create and download a key for this service account.
  3. Run kubectl create secret generic cloudsql-instance-credentials --from-file=credentials.json=[KEY_FILE_PATH] where [KEY_FILE_PATH] is the path to the service account key you downloaded in the previous step.
  4. To deploy the gemserver, run google-cloud-gemserver create --use-proj YOUR_PROJECT_ID --platform gke. If you want to use an existing Cloud SQL instance, add --use-inst YOUR_CLOUDSQL_INSTANCE_NAME into the above command otherwise a new instance will be created.
  5. You will be prompted to enter the name of the Google Container Engine cluster to deploy to. If you do not have an existing one, a new one will be created.
  6. Once the command finishes running, run kubectl get services and look for the service called "gemserver-image". The external IP for that service is the endpoint you can use to push/yank/download gems.

Gemserver on Google App Engine Workflow

  1. Deploy a gemserver by running: google-cloud-gemserver create --use-proj YOUR_PROJECT_ID. This deploys the gemserver in a Google App Engine project as the default service. It also creates a new Cloud SQL instance with machine type db-f1-micro. Note that this machine type is only recommended for development / testing and is not under the CLoud SQL SLA coverage.
  2. Running acceptance or performance tests requires you to have the Cloud SQL proxy running with your Cloud SQL instance. Visit this link to learn how to install and run it (steps 3 and 5 can be skipped).

Typical Workflow

  1. Deploy a gemserver by running: google-cloud-gemserver create --use-proj YOUR_PROJECT_ID. This deploys the gemserver in a Google App Engine project as the default service. It also creates a new Cloud SQL instance with machine type db-f1-micro. Note that this machine type is only recommended for development / testing and is not under the Cloud SQL SLA coverage.
  2. Generate a key (referred to as my-key) by running google-cloud-gemserver create-key --use-proj YOUR_PROJECT_ID for your gemserver. By default, this generates a key with both read and write permissions. For more information about keys, read this.
  3. Add this key to your bundle config by running bundle config http://gemserver-url.com/private/ my-key where gemserver-url is the same as your project's url, e.g. http://my-project.appspot.com/private/. This is necessary to download gems.
  4. Add this key to your gem credentials as my-key (in ~/.gem/credentials): :my-key: [KEY] This is necessary to push gems (if the key has write permission).
  5. Push private gems to the gemserver as described below.
  6. Download private gems by modifying your Gemfile as described below.

One way to check your gemserver deployment was successful is to hit the /health endpoint, e.g. gemserver.com/health. This displays the status of the database and the heartbeat of the gemserver.

Pushing gems

Note: ensure my-key has the read permission and is added in your gem credentials file (~/.gem/credentials) gem push my-gem --key my-key --host http://my-gemserver.com/private/

Fetching gems

Note: ensure my-key has the read permission and is set in your bundle config by running bundle config http://my-gemserver.com/private/ my-key

  1. Add source "http://my-gemserver.com" to the top of your Gemfile
  2. Add the following to your Gemfile:
    source "http://my-gemserver.com/private" do
      gem "my-private-gem1"
      (other private gems here)
  3. Run bundle install

Yanking gems

Note: ensure my-key has the write permission and is added in your gem credentials file (~/.gem/credentials) gem push my-gem --key my-key --host http://my-gemserver.com/private/

  1. Run gem yank --key my-key [GEM_NAME] --host http://my-gemserver.com/private

Gems can not be "unyanked" so once a gem has been yanked it cannot be pushed to the gemserver again with the same name and version. It can be pushed if the version number is changed, however.

Gemserver commands

  • google-cloud-gemserver config

    Usage: google-cloud-gemserver config

    Displays the config the current deployed gemserver is using (if one is running)

  • google-cloud-gemserver create

    Usage: google-cloud-gemserver create


    • -g, [--use-proj=USE_PROJ] # Existing project to deploy gemserver to
    • -i, [--use-inst=USE_INST] # Existing project to deploy gemserver to
    • -p, [--platform=PLATFORM] # The platform to deploy the gemserver to (gae or gke) # Default: gae # Possible values: gae, gke

    Creates and deploys the gem server then starts it

  • google-cloud-gemserver create-key

    Usage: google-cloud-gemserver create-key


    • -r, [--remote=REMOTE] # The gemserver URL, i.e. gemserver.com
    • -p, [--permissions=PERMISSIONS] # Options: write, read, both. Default is both.
    • -g, [--use-proj=USE_PROJ] # The GCP project the gemserver was deployed to.

    Creates an authentication key

  • google-cloud-gemserver delete-key

    Usage: google-cloud-gemserver delete-key


    • -r, [--remote=REMOTE] # The gemserver URL, i.e. gemserver.com
    • -k, [--key=KEY] # The key to delete
    • -g, [--use-proj=USE_PROJ] # The GCP project the gemserver was deployed to.

    Deletes a given key

  • google-cloud-gemserver delete

    Usage: google-cloud-gemserver delete


    • -g, [--use-proj=USE_PROJ] # Project id of GCP project the gemserver was deployed to. Warning: parent project and CloudSQL instance will also be deleted
    • -p, [--platform=PLATFORM] # The platform to deploy the gemserver to (gae or gke) # Default: gae # Possible values: gae, gke

    Delete a given gemserver

  • google-cloud-gemserver start

    Usage: google-cloud-gemserver start

    Starts the gem server. This will be run automatically after a deploy. Running this locally will start the gemserver locally

  • google-cloud-gemserver stats

    Usage: google-cloud-gemserver stats


    • -r, [--remote=REMOTE] # The gemserver URL, i.e. gemserver.com
    • -g, [--use-proj=USE_PROJ] # The GCP project the gemserver was deployed to.

    Displays statistics on the given gemserver

  • google-cloud-gemserver update

    Usage: google-cloud-gemserver update


    • -p, [--platform=PLATFORM] # The platform to deploy the gemserver to (gae or gke) # Default: gae # Possible values: gae, gke

    Redeploys the gemserver with the current config file and google-cloud-gemserver gem version (a deploy must have succeeded for 'update' to work)

  • google-cloud-gemserver gen-config

    Usage: google-cloud-gemserver gen-config

    Generates configuration files with default values

  • google-cloud-gemserver help

    Usage: google-cloud-gemserver help [COMMAND]

    Describe available commands or one specific command

More documentation can be found in the docs directory.


Detailed information can be found in CONTRIBUTING.md.