Version 2 of MyTown - A Minecraft Server Protection Mod
Protections contained at:
MyTown2 Builds:
MyEssentials-Core Builds: MyTown2 Builds:
(To run this, you need both, MyTown2 and MyEssentials-Core!)
- Create Towns and claim Blocks to protect your stuff!
- Invite other players to your town. Don't be a loner anymore!
- Form Nations to help protect each other!
- Start wars between Towns and Nations! (Not added yet)
- Assign Residents to Plots
- Restrict what outsiders, residents, nation members, etc can do inside of your town!
- Protects against multiple Minecraft mods including Tinkers Construct, IC2, Buildcraft 3, ComputerCraft, Minefactory Reloaded, and many more!
- And much more!
You are welcome to include MyTown in any modpacks. Credits/links are appriciated, but not mandatory.
Submitting Pull Requests
Only work against the Master branch, any other branches should be considered unstable and potentially dangerous.
The license for MyTown 2 can be found here Its the "unlicense"
Requesting Features
When requesting a new feature, be clear with what your requesting, and mark it as enhancement. If it is a feature that requires protection for a specific mod please, please, please, tell me what exactly to protect from in said mod as some of us may not know much about the mod.
- On Espernet #mytown
- On the Minecraft Forum