
Golang SWIG Example Project

Primary LanguageC++MIT LicenseMIT


This project demonstrates how to create a Go (golang) package from a C++ class using SWIG.

This code was originally for a blog post here: http://zacg.github.io/blog/2013/06/06/calling-c-plus-plus-code-from-go-with-swig/, but the instructions refer to earlier versions of Go (before 1.5) and SWIG (before 3.0).

#####Getting Started

go get github.com/zacg/simplelib
cd $GOPATH/src/github.com/zacg/simplelib
go install -x
go test -v

#####Generating simplelib.go and simplelib_wrap.cxx

These files are needed by simplelib_test.go. You need to do this each time the dependent *.h or *.cpp files change.

swig -go -cgo -c++ -intgosize 64 simplelib.i

To clean up the auto-generated files:

\rm -f simplelib.go simplelib_wrap.cxx 

#####Example Application Code that uses simplelib.go and simplelib_wrap.cxx

You an also look at the unit tests in simplelib_test.go.

package main

import (

func main() {

	simpleClass := simplelib.NewSimpleClass()
	result := simpleClass.Hello()

	strings := simplelib.NewStringVector()

	var i int64
	for i = 0; i < strings.Size(); i++ {

	bytes := simplelib.NewByteVector()

	for i = 0; i < bytes.Size(); i++ {
		fmt.Printf("%c", bytes.Get(int(i)))
