
:package: Assets used in various A-Frame examples and boilerplates.


Assets (e.g., models, images, data files, sounds) used in various A-Frame examples and boilerplates.

These assets are hosted at https://cdn.aframe.io/ with CORS enabled.

Referencing an Asset

Find an asset you want to use. And prepend it with the https://cdn.aframe.io/ domain. For example, if you wanted 360-video-boilerplate/video/city.mp4, you would use https://cdn.aframe.io/360-video-boilerplate/video/city.mp4.

  <video id="cityVideo" src="https://cdn.aframe.io/360-video-boilerplate/video/city.mp4">
 <a-videopshere src="#cityVideo"></a-videosphere>