- demo | source - Menu
- demo | source - DudeBrush: A VR sculpting tool with import/export
- demo | source - A scene to debug the voxel updates, the physics contact callbacks and the dudes pathfinding.
- demo | source - A helicopter gameplay where you help "The Chief" fly dudes up to the party.
- demo | source - A rave party where you can change the song by showing both thumbs down to "The Chief".
- demo | source - A worldgen happy accident
- demo | source - A stress test
- demo | source - Some state-of-the-art poop tech
# clone the boilerplate
git clone https://github.com/danielesteban/dudes-boilerplate.git
cd dudes-boilerplate
# install dev dependencies
npm install
# start the dev environment:
npm start
# open http://localhost:8080/ in your browser
Remix this project on glitch and host it for free:
To host it on your own server:
# install the server
npm install -g dudes-server
# start the server:
See the config options in the server README.
world: {
// For singleplayer
chunkSize: 16, // Size of the rendering chunks (default: 16)
scale: 0.5, // Scale of the rendering chunks (default: 0.5)
width: 256, // Volume width (should be a multiple of the chunkSize)
height: 64, // Volume height (should be a multiple of the chunkSize)
depth: 256, // Volume depth (should be a multiple of the chunkSize)
seaLevel: 6, // Sea level used in the generation and pathfinding
seed: 987654321, // Uint32 seed for the rng. Will use a random one if undefined
// Built-in generators
generator: 'default', // 'blank', 'default', 'menu', 'debugCity', 'partyBuildings', 'pit'
// Custom generator
generator: (x, y, z) => (y < 6 ? { type: 'stone', r: 0xFF, g: 0, b: 0 } : false),
// For multiplayer
server: 'ws://localhost:8081/', // Server url
// This will be called on every voxels contact if the physics are enabled
onContact: (contact) => {},
dudes: {
searchRadius: 64, // The search radius for the pathfinding (default: 64)
spawn: {
count: 32, // Number of dudes to initially spawn (default: 0)
radius: 64, // The search radius for the spawn algorithm (default: 64)
// Optional origin for the spawn algorithm.
// It defaults to the center of the world if undefined
origin: { x: 0, y: 0, z: 0 },
// This will be called on every dudes contact if the physics are enabled
onContact: (contact) => {},
ambient = {
range: { from: 0, to: 128 }, // Ambient sounds altitude range (in worldspace)
sounds: [
url: '/sounds/sea.ogg', // Public url of the sound
from: 0, // Normalized altitude range
to: 0.75,
url: '/sounds/forest.ogg',
from: 0.25,
to: 1,
explosionSound: '/sounds/blast.ogg', // Public url of the explosion sound
projectileSound: '/sounds/shot.ogg', // Public url of the projectile shooting sound
rainSound: '/sounds/rain.ogg', // Public url of the rain sound
audioStream: false, // Request player audio stream (for voice chat) (default: false)
explosions: false, // Enable explosions (default: false)
physics: true, // Enable physics (default: true)
projectiles: false, // Enable projectiles (default: false)
lightToggle: false, // Enable light toggle UI (default: false)
rainToggle: false, // Enable rain toggle UI (default: false)
onLoad(options) {
// Do the things you want to do at construction
// but require the world to be loaded/generated here
onUnload() {
// Dispose additional geometries/materials you created here
onAnimationTick({ animation, camera, isXR }) {
const { hasLoaded } = this;
super.onAnimationTick({ animation, camera, isXR });
if (!hasLoaded) {
// Do input handling and custom animations here
// This runs right after the physics and before the rendering
onLocomotionTick({ animation, camera, isXR }) {
const { hasLoaded } = this;
if (!hasLoaded) {
// You can use this to implement a custom locomotion
// This runs right before the physics
position = { x: 0, y: 0, z: 0 },
impulse = { x: 0, y: 10, z: 0 },
position = { x: 0, y: 0, z: 0 },
color = new Color(),
scale = 0.5
brush = {
color: new Color(),
noise: 0.1, // color noise
type: 'stone', // 'air', 'dirt', 'light', 'stone'
shape: 'box', // 'box', 'sphere'
size: 1, // brush radius
voxel = { x: 0, y: 0, z: 0 }
onAnimationTick({ animation, camera, isXR }) {
const { hasLoaded, player } = this;
super.onAnimationTick({ animation, camera, isXR });
if (!hasLoaded) {
// VR controllers input
if (isXR) {
hand, // The hand mesh. Also used to detect controller presence
buttons, // Buttons state
joystick, // Joystick axes
raycaster, // A threejs raycaster with the hand position and direction
}) => {
if (hand) {
console.log(hand.handedness); // 'left' or 'right'
buttons.trigger, // always true while the trigger is pressed
buttons.triggerDown, // only true the first frame after the trigger was pressed
buttons.triggerUp, // only true the first frame after the trigger was released
buttons.grip, // always true while the grip is pressed
buttons.gripDown, // only true the first frame after the grip was pressed
buttons.gripUp, // only true the first frame after the grip was released
buttons.primary, // A/X button
buttons.secondary, // B/Y button
buttons.forwards, // Joystick forwards
buttons.backwards, // Joystick backwards
buttons.leftwards, // Joystick leftwards
buttons.rightwards, // Joystick rightwards
// Desktop input
if (!isXR) {
const {
buttons, // Buttons state
keyboard, // Keyboard axes
raycaster, // A threejs raycaster with the camera position and direction
} = player.desktop;
buttons.primary, // Left mouse button
buttons.secondary, // Right mouse button
buttons.tertiary, // Middle mouse button (or F)
buttons.view, // V
// A box
mesh.physics = {
shape: 'box',
width: 1,
height: 1,
depth: 1,
// A capsule
mesh.physics = {
shape: 'capsule',
radius: 0.5,
height: 1,
// A sphere
mesh.physics = {
shape: 'sphere',
radius: 0.5,
// A plane
mesh.physics = {
shape: 'plane',
constant: 0,
normal: { x: 0, y: 1, z: 0 },
mesh, // A threejs Mesh (or InstancedMesh) with a physics definition
// Optional flags
isKinematic: true,
isTrigger: true, // This will call mesh.onContact on every contact
mesh, // Mesh that was already added to the physics with physics.addMesh
instance = 0, // For instanced meshes
options = {
type: 'p2p',
mesh: anotherMesh, // Another mesh already added to the physics
pivotInA: { x: 0, y: 0, z: 0 },
pivotInB: { x: 0, y: 0, z: 0 },
mesh, // Mesh that was already added to the physics with physics.addMesh
instance = 0, // For instanced meshes
options = {
type: 'hinge',
mesh: anotherMesh, // Another mesh already added to the physics
pivotInA: { x: 0, y: 0, z: 0 },
pivotInB: { x: 0, y: 0, z: 0 },
axisInA: { x: 0, y: 1, z: 0 },
axisInB: { x: 0, y: 1, z: 0 },
friction: true, // simulate friction using an angular motor
limits: { // optional limits
low: 0,
high: Math.PI * 2,
mesh, // Mesh that was already added to the physics with physics.addMesh
instance = 0, // For instanced meshes
impulse = { x: 0, y: 10, z: 0 },
mesh, // Mesh that was already added to the physics with physics.addMesh
instance = 0, // For instanced meshes
position = { x: 0, y: 0, z: 0 },
rotation = { x: 0, y: 0, z: 0, w: 1 },
origin = { x: 0, y: 0, z: 0 }, // ray origin
direction = { x: 0, y: 0, z: -1 }, // ray direction
mask = 1, // collision mask (-1: ALL | 1: STATIC | 2: DYNAMIC | 4: KINEMATIC)
far = 64
import { Voxelizer } from 'dudes';
const voxelizer = new Voxelizer({
maxWidth: 256,
maxHeight: 32,
maxDepth: 256,
scale: 0.5,
offset: {
x: voxelizer.world.width * -0.5,
y: -1,
z: voxelizer.world.depth * -0.5,
generator: (x, y, z) => {
const r = Math.sqrt((x - 128.5) ** 2 + ((y - 16.5) * 2) ** 2 + (z - 128.5) ** 2);
if (
r > 32 && r < 64 && y < 16
) {
return {
type: 'stone',
r: 0xBB - Math.random() * 0x33,
g: 0x66 - Math.random() * 0x33,
b: 0x44 - Math.random() * 0x22,
return false;
.then((mesh) => {
To build the C code, you'll need to install LLVM:
- Win: https://chocolatey.org/packages/llvm
- Mac: https://formulae.brew.sh/formula/llvm
- Linux: https://releases.llvm.org/download.html
On the first build, it will complain about a missing file that you can get here: libclang_rt.builtins-wasm32-wasi-12.0.tar.gz. Just put it on the same path that the error specifies and you should be good to go.
To build wasi-libc, you'll need to install GNU make.
# clone this repo and it's submodules
git clone --recursive https://github.com/danielesteban/dudes.git
cd dudes
# build wasi-libc
cd vendor/wasi-libc && make -j8 && cd ../..
# install dev dependencies
npm install
# start the dev environment:
npm start
# open http://localhost:8080/ in your browser