
A puppeteer-based bot library for mozilla hubs

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Hubs Bot library


This is very much work in process, but demonstrates how to make a Mozilla hubs bot using puppeteer

WARNING. This library relies on Hubs-internal APIs and layouts. It is subject to change or breaking at any time.


  1. Install: npm i hubs-client-bot

  2. Make a bot!

const {HubsBot} = require('hubs-client-bot')

async function runBot() {
  let bot = new HubsBot()
  await bot.enterRoom(URL_TO_YOUR_HUBS_ROOM, {name: "My First Bot"})
  await bot.spawnObject({url: URL_TO_AN_OBJECT})
  await bot.say("Hello World I'm here!")


Running the examples

The best way to run the examples is to clone this repository or download the zip file, then use node to run the examples.

git clone git@github.com:zach-capalbo/hubs-client-bot.git
cd hubs-client-bot
npm install
node examples/eggbot.js ROOM_URL

However, puppeteer can be tricky to install, and match with the right node versions. In this case, docker might be easier to use. Make sure you have docker installed first, then you can do

git clone git@github.com:zach-capalbo/hubs-client-bot.git
cd hubs-client-bot
docker run --rm -ti -v /`pwd`:/src buildkite/puppeteer node //src/examples/eggbot.js ROOM_URL

In-Browser bots

Using HubsBot.asBrowserBot, you can convert a bot into a script which can be run using the developer console or inserted into hubs-cloud .js files. For instance, converting the example bot above like this:

const {HubsBot} = require('hubs-client-bot')

let botScript = new HubsBot().asBrowserBot(bot => {
  await bot.enterRoom(URL_TO_YOUR_HUBS_ROOM, {name: "My First Bot"})
  await bot.spawnObject({url: URL_TO_AN_OBJECT})
  await bot.say("Hello World I'm here!")


will print out (script truncated):

class InBrowserBot {
var HubsBot = InBrowserBot;
var _fn = async bot => {
  await bot.enterRoom(URL_TO_YOUR_HUBS_ROOM, {name: "My First Bot"})
  await bot.spawnObject({url: URL_TO_AN_OBJECT})
  await bot.say("Hello World I'm here!")
window.bot = new HubsBot(); _fn(window.bot);

which could then be copied and pasted into the developer console.