
My configuration of Emacs and a few other things I like to store in my dotfiles.

Primary LanguageEmacs Lisp

Readme first

What is this

I have decided to roll my own Emacs config. Why? Because I enjoy spending an inordinate amount of time on things that don’t matter. It is heavily based on Spacemacs.

Setting up

Just clone this into your emacs config folder!

git clone git@github.com:zach-delong/Emacs-configs.git ~/.emacs.d

Where is the config?

When emacs starts, one of the main things it looks for is a folder .emacs.d/. If there is a file called init.el in that folder, then it will automatically load that.

If you open that file, you’ll find shockingly little. Instead, look at the first line, tangles the config code out of the org mode file config.org using Org-Babel. If those words don’t make sense, don’t worry, it all works. Probably.

For an explanation of how all this works, start by reading config.org. That file, apart from containing the actual code, also has an explanation of what/why.

You also might want to look at the early-init.el file. Emacs loads this file before loading the package system and long before loading init.el, so there are some things in there to speed up startup and configure things before the main init file loads.