In machine learning, it is often said there are no free lunches. How wrong we were.
This competition contains a dataset with 5671 textual requests for pizza from the Reddit community Random Acts of Pizza together with their outcome (successful/unsuccessful) and meta-data. Participants must create an algorithm capable of predicting which requests will garner a cheesy (but sincere!) act of kindness.
"I'll write a poem, sing a song, do a dance, play an instrument, whatever! I just want a pizza," says one hopeful poster. What about making an algorithm?
Kaggle is hosting this competition for the machine learning community to use for fun and practice. This data was collected and graciously shared by Althoff et al. (Buy them a pizza -- data collection is a thankless and tedious job!) We encourage participants to explore their accompanying paper and ask that you cite the following reference in any publications that result from your work:
Tim Althoff, Cristian Danescu-Niculescu-Mizil, Dan Jurafsky. How to Ask for a Favor: A Case Study on the Success of Altruistic Requests, Proceedings of ICWSM, 2014.