cstl is a STL written in C.
struct cstl_vector {
int capacity;
int index;
struct cstl_object **elements;
cstl_compare compare_fn;
cstl_destory destruct_fn;
extern struct cstl_vector *new_cstl_vector(int init_size, cstl_compare fn_c, cstl_destory fn_d);
extern cstl_error push_back_cstl_vector(struct cstl_vector *my_vector, void *elem, size_t elem_size);
extern cstl_error element_at_cstl_vector(struct cstl_vector *my_vector, int index, void **elem);
extern cstl_error insert_at_cstl_vector(struct cstl_vector *my_vector, int index, void *elem, size_t elem_size);
extern int size_cstl_vector(struct cstl_vector *my_vector);
extern int capacity_cstl_vector(struct cstl_vector *my_vector);
extern cstl_bool empty_cstl_vector(struct cstl_vector *my_vector);
extern cstl_error front_cstl_vector(struct cstl_vector *my_vector, void **elem);
extern cstl_error back_cstl_vector(struct cstl_vector *my_vector, void **elem);
extern cstl_error remove_from_cstl_vector(struct cstl_vector *my_vector, int index);
extern cstl_error delete_cstl_vector(struct cstl_vector *my_vector);
extern struct cstl_iterator *new_iterator_cstl_vector(struct cstl_vector *my_vector);
extern void delete_iterator_cstl_vector(struct cstl_iterator *my_itr);
The queue can be automatically grown by the grow_auto parameter in new_cstl_queue function, if you do not want the capacity of the queue to increase indefinitely, you can specify a capacity, and use full_cstl_queue function to determine whether the queue is full.
The queue does not support access through iterators.
struct cstl_queue {
cstl_bool auto_grow;
int capacity;
int num;
int rx;
int tx;
struct cstl_object **elements;
cstl_compare compare_fn;
cstl_destory destruct_fn;
extern struct cstl_queue *new_cstl_queue(int capacity, cstl_compare fn_c, cstl_destory fn_d, cstl_bool grow_auto);
extern cstl_error push_cstl_queue(struct cstl_queue *my_queue, void *elem, size_t elem_size);
extern cstl_error top_cstl_queue(struct cstl_queue *my_queue, void **elem);
extern cstl_error pop_cstl_queue(struct cstl_queue *my_queue);
extern cstl_bool full_cstl_queue(struct cstl_queue *my_queue);
extern cstl_bool empty_cstl_queue(struct cstl_queue *my_queue);
extern int size_cstl_queue(struct cstl_queue *my_queue);
extern cstl_error delete_cstl_queue(struct cstl_queue *my_queue);
struct cstl_deque{
int capacity;
int index;
int head;
int tail;
struct cstl_object **elements;
cstl_compare compare_fn;
cstl_destory destruct_fn;
extern struct cstl_deque *new_cstl_deque(int capacity, cstl_compare fn_c, cstl_destory fn_d);
extern cstl_error push_back_cstl_deque(struct cstl_deque *my_deque, void *elem, size_t elem_size);
extern cstl_error push_front_cstl_deque(struct cstl_deque *my_deque, void *elem, size_t elem_size);
extern cstl_error front_cstl_deque(struct cstl_deque *my_deque, void **elem);
extern cstl_error back_cstl_deque(struct cstl_deque *my_deque, void **elem);
extern cstl_error pop_back_cstl_deque(struct cstl_deque *my_deque);
extern cstl_error pop_front_cstl_deque(struct cstl_deque *my_deque);
extern cstl_bool empty_cstl_deque(struct cstl_deque *my_deque);
extern int size_cstl_deque(struct cstl_deque *my_deque);
extern cstl_error delete_cstl_deque(struct cstl_deque *my_deque);
extern struct cstl_iterator *new_iterator_cstl_deque(struct cstl_deque *my_deque);
extern void delete_iterator_cstl_deque(struct cstl_iterator *my_itr);
The stack is implemented by deque and does not support access through iterators.
struct cstl_stack {
struct cstl_deque *deque;
extern struct cstl_stack *new_cstl_stack(int capacity, cstl_compare fn_c, cstl_destory fn_d);
extern cstl_error push_cstl_stack(struct cstl_stack *my_stack, void *elem, size_t elem_size);
extern cstl_error top_cstl_stack(struct cstl_stack *my_stack, void **elem);
extern cstl_error pop_cstl_stack(struct cstl_stack *my_stack);
extern cstl_bool empty_cstl_stack(struct cstl_stack *my_stack);
extern int size_cstl_stack(struct cstl_stack *my_stack);
extern cstl_error delete_cstl_stack(struct cstl_stack *my_stack);
The map is implemented by rea-black trees(cstl_rb.*)
struct cstl_map_node {
struct rb_node node;
struct cstl_object *key;
struct cstl_object *value;
struct cstl_map {
struct rb_root root;
cstl_compare compare_function;
cstl_destory destruct_key_function;
cstl_destory destruct_value_function;
extern struct cstl_map *new_cstl_map(cstl_compare c_fn, cstl_destory d_k_fn, cstl_destory d_v_fn);
extern cstl_error insert_cstl_map(struct cstl_map *my_map, void *key, size_t key_size, void *value, size_t value_size);
extern cstl_error remove_cstl_map(struct cstl_map *my_map, void *key);
extern cstl_error delete_cstl_map(struct cstl_map *my_map);
extern cstl_bool exists_cstl_map(struct cstl_map *my_map, void *key);
extern cstl_bool find_cstl_map(struct cstl_map *my_map, void *key, void **value);
extern struct cstl_iterator *new_iterator_cstl_map(struct cstl_map *my_map);
extern void delete_iterator_cstl_map(struct cstl_iterator *my_itr);
The implementation of set is similar to that of map, which is also implemented by red-black trees(cstl_rb.*)
struct cstl_set_node {
struct rb_node node;
struct cstl_object *key;
struct cstl_set {
struct rb_root root;
cstl_compare compare_fn;
cstl_destory destruct_fn;
extern struct cstl_set *new_cstl_set(cstl_compare fn_c, cstl_destory fn_d);
extern cstl_error insert_cstl_set(struct cstl_set *my_set, void *key, size_t key_size);
extern cstl_error remove_cstl_set(struct cstl_set *my_set, void *key);
extern cstl_error delete_cstl_set(struct cstl_set *my_set);
extern cstl_bool exists_cstl_set(struct cstl_set *my_set, void *key);
extern cstl_bool find_cstl_set(struct cstl_set *my_set, void *key, void **outKey);
extern struct cstl_iterator *new_iterator_cstl_set(struct cstl_set *my_set);
extern void delete_iterator_cstl_set(struct cstl_iterator *my_itr);
set sample file: test_cstl_set