
MixLockParser is able to read an Elixir mix.lock file and return the list of dependencies used and their versions.

In the future it may be expanded to also include information about your direct dependencies dependencies but I don't have a use-case that requires it for now so that is currently out of scope.

iex> contents = """
...> %{
...>   "contex": {:hex, :contex, "0.5.0", "5d8a6defbeb41f54adfcb0f85c4756d4f2b84aa5b0d809d45a5d2e90d91d0392", [:mix], [{:nimble_strftime, "~> 0.1.0", [hex: :nimble_strftime, repo: "hexpm", optional: false]}], "hexpm", "b7497a1790324d84247859df44ba4bcf2489d9bba1812a5375b2f2046b9e6fd7"},
...>   "dotenv_parser": {:hex, :dotenv_parser, "2.0.0", "0f999196857e4ee18cbba1413018d5e4980ab16b397e3a2f8d0cf541fe683181", [:mix], [], "hexpm", "e769bde2dbff5b0cd0d9d877a9ccfd2c6dd84772dfb405d5a43cceb4f93616c5"}
...> }
...> """
iex> MixLockParser.read_mix_lock_contents!(contents)
[{:contex, :hex, "0.5.0"}, {:dotenv_parser, :hex, "2.0.0"}]

# Or you can read directly from a file
iex> MixLockParser.read_mix_lock!("priv/sample_lockfiles/short_mix.lock")
[{:nimble_parsec, :hex, "1.3.1"}]
  • Write user-facing readme
  • Support path dependencies
  • Add tests for older versions of lock files


This package is not currently on hex but can be installed by adding mix_lock_parser to your list of dependencies in mix.exs:

def deps do
    {:mix_lock_parser, github: "axelson/mix_lock_parser"},