How to install
- docker
- docker-compose
- make
The dev instance of worldforge is configured to run with docker-compose by which other requirements are met with.
make install
This command used is for Unix systems to provide a redundant installation of WorldForge.
This command installs a production ready build of the UI, the api server, and a systemd unit file to manage the service with.
The UI and server code are installed in /srv/worldforge
This container reads the env file /etc/worldforge/.env
for configuration.
is an example of the supported configuration items and format of this file.
Once you install, there is little need for this cloned repo.
NOTE: The mongodb and redis containers in the prod docker compose environment installed with this command have their persistent data
stored in the worldforge/data/mongodb
and worldforge/data/redis
NOTE: This command is not required if you want to run a production build of worldforge. It is a convenience method for system administrators wanting to provide WorldForge as a service.
How to run
make dev
Docker-compose is configured with volumes so it does not need to be restarted when a new build occurs. Nodemon is used in the nodejs container to detect filechanges and restarts the nodejs process when changes occur.
The mongodb and redis container in the dev environment are not persistent.
Performing a make down
will destroy any data in the database
If make install
was used to install worldforge, systemd commands can be used to manage worldforge such as:
systemctl start worldforge
If a production build was not installed then:
make prod
make down
can be used to start and stop the worldforge service.
What environment should I use?
The development environment is for those contributing to worldforge and need a non-persistent environment to test and develop with.
The production environment should be used by those wanting to provide worldforge as a service. This build will be the fastest and provides persistent backing services.
Bug reporting
Create a git issue and label as a bug
Feature requests
Create a git issue and label as an enhancement
Contribution Guide
Should probably make one of these