
Simple Vagrant setup for WordPress

Primary LanguagePuppet


A refresh of vagrant-wordpress-lemp, which aims to provide quick temporary WordPress development environments.


What is Included

  • Ubuntu 14.04
  • Nginx
  • PHP 5.6
  • MariaDB 10.0
  • phpMyAdmin
  • WP-CLI


Configuration is mostly done inside the Vagrantfile. Key items are as follows:

  • config.vm.hostname - the hostname of the VM. With the Vagrant Hostsupdater plugin, it will be accessible at http://<hostname>.dev/ when setup is complete.
  • config.vm.network - a static IP address for the VM
  • config.vm.provider block - contains modifications for the VM (right now just the RAM but this can be updated to suit your needs)
  • config.vm.provision block and puppet.facter hash - contains details for Puppet, which will provision the VM. The facter hash is used for various details for WordPress and MySQL.

How to Use

To begin, copy Vagrantfile.sample to Vagrantfile and edit as needed. Optionally, install Vagrant Hostsupdater to automatically add the VM to your hosts file:

vagrant plugin install vagrant-hostsupdater

When complete, simply run vagrant up and if all goes well the environment should be ready to use in just a few minutes. phpMyAdmin will also be accessible at /phpmyadmin.

Default Credentials

Account Username Password
MySQL root vagrant
MySQL WP DB (wordpress) wordpress wordpress
WordPress Admin vagrant vagrant

Other Things To Consider

One thing to consider is to use a 64-bit version of Ubuntu. This can help with performance. To do so change config.vm.box from ubuntu/trusty32 to ubuntu/trusty64 inside Vagrantfile.