
Learning Goals

  • Train yourself to Think in React
  • Design components based on a mockup
  • Pass down data to components via props
  • Handle user interaction via events
  • Use state to trigger changes in the DOM


Fork and clone this lab. Then, cd into the lab directory and run:

npm install
npm start

This will install all the dependencies and run the application in your browser at http://localhost:3000.

There are no tests for this lab, so you'll need to check your work by running your application in the browser and trying to match the demo below.


Your goal is to build this app from scratch:


The application has the following features:

  • When the app loads, display a video along with its details and a list of all the comments
  • When a user clicks on the "👍" button, the number of upvotes for the video should increase
  • When a user clicks on the "👎" button, the number of downvotes for the video should increase
  • When the user clicks the "Hide Comments" button, the comments should be removed from the page, and the button text should change to "Show Comments". When the button is clicked again, it should toggle back to showing the comments.

The data you'll need for the app can be found in the video.js file.

Start by planning out what components you'll need and draw out your component hierarchy. Then, build out your components and pass down any data they need via props using the video object that's been imported in the App component.

Consider what components need to use state as you're building out these features.

There's an example of how to embed a video using an <iframe> in the App component. Other than that, you're on your own in terms of how to design each part of the application. Don't worry too much about getting the styling to match the demo. Focus on functionality.

Good luck!


If you finish early and want to get more practice with state and events, here are some ideas for additional features:

  • Add upvote/downvote buttons to each comment
  • Add a search bar to search comments by username
  • Add a "Remove Comment" button to delete comments from the page
  • Add a sorting feature to sort the comments