
java based console producer for kafka

Primary LanguageJava

Java Console Producer

Things you'll need before getting started:

  1. You'll need a cluster running in Confluent Cloud with a topic to send data too. In this README, I'll be referencing a topic named colors.
  2. You'll need to copy the client configuration properties from the Clients page in your cluster. This should give you a copy-able set of properties that you'll to use.
    • You should paste the specific values into the placeholders seen in setup.properties, or alternatively paste over the entire thing.

Using the Console Producer

  • Either build the image yourself using the provided Dockerfile, or reference the pre-built image zachhamilton/console-producer. This README will use the latter.

  • Reference the following table to see the configuration parameters that can be passed to the producer as environment variables.

    Environment Variable Default Value Required?
    TOPIC n/a Y
  • You'll need to volume mount the producer container to the directory where setup.properties is found in order for the producer to use the configuration.

    -v $(pwd)/:/config/:ro
  • The following is an example of starting the console producer with the topic name colors.

    docker run --rm -it --name console-producer \
    -e TOPIC="colors" \
    -v $(pwd)/:/config/:ro \

    Assuming everything worked correctly, the command won't return and the cursor will hang awaiting a user input.

  • You can create new messages by simply adding a key and value separated by single comma and pressing enter. The message will be sent and the cursor will move on to the next line awaiting another input. The follow is an example of the format for creating new messages.

    blue,my favorite color

    In the above, the first message was "key,value" and the second was "blue,my favorite color". The string will get split by the comma (which is why you can only use a single comma) and use the first segment as the key and the second as the value.

    In the above, the keys were key and blue and the values were value and my favorite color.