The E-Gantt-Chart aims to be a versatile and highly customizable open-source tool for developers, designed to simplify the creation of scheduling and project management applications without us devs needing to pay thousands of dollars or re-invent the wheel. The e-gantt-chart is a Web Component which means it can be used in any Browser or Chromium-based application (such as Electron) and it can easily integrate with any framework (including React, Angular and Vue).

Key Features

  • Easy Integration: Quickly add a Gantt chart to your project.
  • Customizable: Tailor it to match your application's style with css.
  • Command-based Architecture: Insert callbacks to complete before or after an interaction for maximum flexibility.
  • Interactivity: Easily manage tasks with drag-and-drop + resizing.
  • Open Source: Use it for free, suggest changes, or contribute if you wish.

Get Started

  • Go to the Usage section for quick-start instructions on how to use the Web Component.
  • Go to the Contribute section if you would like to either suggest changes or contribute to this project.

Thank you.


Quick Start Instructions

To get started, I would recommend testing it out in a playground environment first before implementing it in your own project. To start using the component, simply drag the 'eganttchart' folder into your directory, and you can see examples of its usage in the example.js files. By default, the index.html file uses the index.js file. For styling, you can look into egc_dark_theme.css to see examples on how to customize your gantt chart.


Currently, the best way to contribute will be to submit issues to the repository and I will get to work on them. In the future I will allow people to create pull requests and submit improvements for my review.