
visualize the performance simple hash functions

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Hash Table Performance Visualizer

This is a naive hash table implementation for storing strings with JavaScript. It's essentially the default express app, with the hash function and table all living on the client.

Upload text to be hashed, pick your hash table size and prime factor, and then see a histogram of where the values end up hashing to.

It only hashes each word once so peaks on the histogram actually represent collisions between unique entries.

I recommend allocating ~1019 (or some prime around there) spots in your table and using a very long text like this Hemingway

Try using both prime and non-prime factors to see how performance varies.

Copyright © 2014

zachmarkin@gmail.com wrote this project. As long as you retain this notice you
can do whatever you want with this stuff. If we meet some day, and you think
this stuff is worth it, you can buy me a beer in return, Zachary Markin