
An app so fresh you wish you'd thought of it first.

Primary LanguagePython

Mirror Park

The app so fresh you with you'd thought of it first.

Mirror Park is a small sample Flask app that integrates:


Clone the repo, replacing new-project with the name of your new project:

git clone https://github.com/eriktaubeneck/mirror-park.git new-project
cd new-project

Setup the environment (if you don't have virtualenv installed, install it):

virtualenv venv
source venv/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt


Mirror Park requires a relational database. I recommend Postgres, however any of the SQLAlchemy Engine Configuration will work. This needs to be included with the SQLALCHEMY_DATABASE_URI. This can either be included in app/config/config.yml or app/config/local_config.yml. (The later has the advantage of being ignored by git, so that you don't accidentally check in your secret keys and passwords.)

Quick start in memory sqlite database setup: