
Final project for ME570 (Robot Motion Planning): Preemptive Rapidly-Exploring Random Trees

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Final project for ME570 (Robot Motion Planning): Preemptive Rapidly-Exploring Random Trees

Implements a preemption scheme inspired by Preemptive RANSAC [Nister 2005] onto the original RRT algorithm [LaValle 1998]. Designed to be abstractable for use with other "observation" metrics, RRT implementations, and preemption functions.

main_results.m generates a RRT over the polygonal environment provided in polygonalWorld.mat, and upon reaching an iteration cap, returns the path deemed most likely to succeed in reaching the goal (and succeed most optimally length-wise) when completed, and plots the tree, environment, and returned path in a single figure. Built and tested in MATLAB R2020a. Convex and non-convex polygonal worlds can be selected between by changing the file loaded within main_results.m between "polygonWorld.mat" and "polygonWorldNonconvex.mat".