Version 2.1 Readme
The G(arbage) C(ollected) X(Query) engine is the first streaming XQuery engine that implements active garbage collection, a novel buffer management strategy in which both static and dynamic analysis are exploited. This technique actively purges main memory buffers at runtime based on the current status of query evaluation. This approach aims at both keeping main memory consumption low at runtime and speeding up query evaluation. It has originally been developed as part of a research project of the Saarland University Database Group, which is continued at the Freiburg University Database Group. For detailed information on active garbage collection in XQuery engines please visit the GCX project homepage at
- See file INSTALL.txt for installation instructions
- See file LICENSE.txt for license information
For feedback, such as questions, comments, bug reports, or feature requests please use one of the following GCX mailing lists.
- Mailing list for general discussion about GCX (general questions, comments ...).
- Mailing list to ask questions about using and building GCX.
- Mailing list for bug reports and discussion about bugs in GCX.
- Mailing list to request new or desired features for future releases.