Projects in Data Science (Python) Team Page
How to use this code:
CHANGE YOUR PYTHONPATH We ran this project through PyCharm, which uses absolute paths from the root directory of our project. In order for the code to run at all outside of PyCharm run the following command: export PYTHONPATH="${PYTHONPATH}:/<path_to_project_root>
To collect twitter data we used the saveTweets function in
An example of this can be found in twitter/ (Information on the places we used can be found in data/places.json)
To collect Reddit data, we used the script. In terminal, run the following two commands sequentially (as example)
python timesearch -r denver python commentaugment -r denver
This will create a sqlite DB. You can use sqlite browser to read then export this to a csv.
To enrich data we used the enrichAllPlaces function in enrich/ (EnrichRedditData function for reddit data)
To run our regressors we used the functions in learn/ An example of this can be found in learn/