
PySpark recommendation system for movies. Final project for DSCI 632.

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook

Creating a Movie Recommendation System Using PySpark

Project Overview:

This repository was created for the INFO 632 course at Drexel University. The goal was to create a recommendating system using PySpark to recommend any number of movies to a user given their previous ratings and ratings of other users who are similar to them. We utilized both collaborative filtering and content-based recommendations. The ratings data used came from GroupLens, specifically their MovieLens dataset.

File Manifest:

  • Folder /data - Contains all data files
    • links.csv - Contains IMDb and TMDb movie IDs.
    • movies.csv - Contains movie titles and genres.
    • ratings.csv - Contains ratings data for each user.
    • tags.csv - Contains user-provided tags for movies.
  • Folder /documents - Cotains all miscellaneous documents
    • Final Project Write Up.pdf - Final report required for class.
  • Part1_EDA.ipynb - Python/PySpark code for MovieLens EDA.
  • Part2_CollaborativeFiltering.ipynb - Python/PySpark code for collaborative filtering recommending.
  • Part3_ContentBased.ipynb - Python/PySpark code for content-based recommending.

Reason for Project:

Movie predictions can help users find movies they'll most likely enjoy that they might otherwise not have discovered. Accurate and useful recommendations can also encourage a user to continue utilizing a given platform, like Netflix, Hulu, or Disney+.

Team Members:

Alphabetized by last name:

Python Requirements

  • Python ≥ 3.8.
  • Python libraries required:
    • matplotlib.pylot
    • pandas

How to Execute Notebook:

All of the code in this project needs to be opened in a Jupyter notebook environment. We recommend using Google Colab.

Known Limitations of Project:

  1. Only 600 users. This only contains data on 600 users. More users would allow for better predictions and might highlight additional latent features that could be valuable.
  2. Most current data is four years old. It might be useful to include ratings from current movies. If we provided hypothetical recommendations to these users, it might not longer be accurate for their current tastes.
  3. Small dataset We only have 100,000 ratings. If we had the cloud computing power, we could analyze the larger 20M+ ratings dataset.