
An application that allows a controller to be programmed over a captive Wi-Fi AP

Primary LanguagePHPMIT LicenseMIT

Captive Wi-Fi AP Controller

This application will allow you to create an application in PHP to control the device this is installed on from a captive AP portal. For example, it can be used to program a robot using the Raspberry Pi's GPIO ports and a phone.


Install the Raspbian (lite) image onto a Raspberry Pi, then run the following commands (as the pi user, whose password is probably raspberry):

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install git
git clone https://github.com/zachdeibert/ap-controller.git
cd ap-controller
sudo reboot


cd ~/ap-controller
git pull
./service.sh restart

If it is acting weird, you might try also running this:

cd ~/ap-controller
sudo reboot


./service.sh restart


Then, put your code for the controller in /usr/share/ap-controller/controller/ (there is an example in there right after you run example.sh).